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May 22, 2024

Present Help

Present Help

Can the presence of God provide comfort to you when you are going through heartbreak, loss, or other difficult situations?

In today's episode of My Morning Devotional, we explored the comforting truth that God is a refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble Psalm 46:1. We were reminded that in the midst of our challenges, big or small, we can find solace in the unwavering presence of God. As we continue through our week, let's reflect on the message of finding present help in God. May we find comfort in His constant presence and allow ourselves to be present with Him as well.

Stay tuned for this enriching five-minute daily dose of heaven.

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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00:00:00.920 --> 00:00:23.301
You're listening to the my morning Devotional podcast, episode 1013. Today's podcast is called Present Help. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time.

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That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Well, happy Wednesday.

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We are halfway through the week. We've made it. We made it to Wednesday, and it's a beautiful, beautiful day. We pray that wherever you are listening. From, the weather is sunny and beautiful, and it is warm wherever you are. I know it is really heating up here in Miami. It's, like, too hot. It's too hot. It went from the perfect weather to the next day. I can't be outside. I can't be outside. And, you know, Rochelle, I'm like, did we not enjoy it enough? Like, the beautiful, breezy, sunny weather? But we are back for another great episode. I'm your host today, Gabby Lessie. Rochelle, Alessi has been doing an incredible job with all of these devotionals, and I have really, really enjoyed both of them and just, I hope you've enjoyed listening to them again. We want to thank you for your feedback and thank you for messaging us. We've had somebody from our hometown, from our home church respond. We had somebody that messaged us from Michigan. And so wherever you're at, message us. We love to hear how this is blessing you.

00:01:36.542 --> 00:02:16.985
So message us. You can send us anything on. On Instagram. You can dm us personally or dm our account, our. My morning Devo account. But we want to hear from you because you always hear from us. So we got to hear from you. So it's time to hear from Rochelle. Rochelle, take us into this Wednesday Devo. Let's do it. So today's verse is psalm 46 one, and it says, God is a refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. And as you can see, this week's theme is all about really just enduring what we're going through. And the great thing about that is that we're all going through something at all times. It might be big or small, but. We always have something that we need help with.

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And here it says that God is our refuge and strength and a present help in trouble. And I love that. And a very present help because sometimes you just don't need the help.

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You need somebody that's present helping you, somebody that's involved, that wants to listen to you, that wants to hear you. That's so good. And the great thing about that is that we find all of that in God alone, that he is always present, listening to us, wanting to give us more, present his relationship with us, but also very present and wanting to help us in times of trouble. He's not just a God. That is kind of like a, sometimes we might see it this way where we pray something and it's kind of like Christmas.

00:03:04.653 --> 00:03:15.114
Like you have this list, right? And it goes somewhere, and then it's either approved or not. And it's like God either says yes or no, and then it goes down to the next person and then it gets answered.

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But this is when we go to God. We're going straight to him and he is present. He's not just somebody saying yes or no and approving or disapproving. He is present right there. He's walking every moment with you. He knows what's keeping you up at night. He knows what makes you happy. He knows what you love to do the most. I mean, it says that he knows. How many hairs you have. And if you think about that, we lose hair and grow hair every day. He still knows that, which means he's. So present in every moment and area of our life. He's present when we are working and we're not thinking of him. He's present when we are in the car and we are praying to him. He's always there. And so with that, we know that he's going to be a present help. That when we need him, he's there. And he's not just telling us what's next, but he's right there next to you. Because sometimes people will tell you, no, it's going to get better and look at the future. But the truth is, sometimes we're in it. Yeah.

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And you can tell me how it's going to be better, but I'm in it right now. Some days it just is not fun.

00:04:29.769 --> 00:05:00.613
And in those not fun days, he's present with you. Amen. And he's going to surround you and he's going to help you get through it. That is so good, Rochelle. You know, the idea of being present as you're talking about this, sometimes when we go through, like, a heartbreak or we go through a loss or we go through, maybe it's, we're going through an injury or surgery, recovery time, whatever it is, you don't. You need the help, right? You need somebody to be there and help you through whatever you're going through. But a lot of times, you just want someone there just to be there. You're lonely.

00:05:01.713 --> 00:05:20.502
Your heart is broken because you lost a relationship, you lost a loved one. And people tell you, when people are heartbroken, the best thing to do is just to sit next to them and be there for them. There's not a word you can say. There's not a thing you could do to help them in the moment. It's just to be present. And that's what I love about what you said, is that that's who God is.

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That, yes, we can ask God to help us, and he can do the works for us. He can perform the miracle. He can do it. But one of the most beautiful things about God is that he will just sit with you and he'll just be there with you. And you can feel his presence when he's just there with you. And you don't need him to say a thing, do a thing, make something happen for you. You just want him to be next to you. And I hope that that just blesses people today. I know it's blessing me right now. It's like, wow, I demand so much from God. Meanwhile, he's always there. Let me just enjoy his presence for a little bit, you know? And yes, it's the present help, it's the current help, but it's. He's present and he's there with us, and it's his. We're in his presence and he's in ours. And I just think that is beautiful, Michelle. So let's pray for it.

00:06:07.733 --> 00:06:11.374
Dear Father God, we just want to thank you for being present.

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Yes, thank you for always listening to us, for providing for us, for being. The best that you can be for us.

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We just thank you for that right now. And I just pray that today we really just get to enjoy you and your presence in our lives. So, as you are present, we are. Present with you as well. That we recognize that you are here with us through the hard times and through the good times. You will forever be the most consistent. Nobody will be as consistent as you are. And so, because of that, we will nurture this relationship that we have with you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

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So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven.

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Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app.

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You're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.