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May 27, 2024

The Belonging

The Belonging

Why do you think belonging to Christ is emphasized as a key factor in manifesting qualities like love, joy, and self-control in our lives?

In today's episode, we explore the theme of belonging and the importance of being rooted in Christ to experience the fruits of the spirit. Join us as we delve into the message offering prayers, reflections, and encouragement for navigating life's challenges with faith and grace. 

Stay tuned for a heartfelt discussion on drawing closer to God to cultivate love, joy, peace, and other virtues in our lives. 

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We're so glad you're here!

We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

Here’s how to join our community!


00:00:00.320 --> 00:01:08.891
You're listening to my morning devotional podcast, episode 1016. Today's devil's called that belonging. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Good morning, everybody. Happy Monday. We have a new week and Rochelle's here with Gabby. Hello. I was currently taking a selfie. Yes, yes. But we are really excited for this week. Gabby was sharing a little bit of what she's going to be talking about and I am so excited to hear it. But before we go into it, we want to read some of the messages that you guys have been sending us and we love it. So please keep doing that because we love to hear from you, we love to hear from your from because honestly, it helps us find out about new places. And you never know, we might be going there sometime, you know, would be so cool. Is in the future people do those live podcasts, tours.

00:01:08.987 --> 00:01:16.180
Yes, one day. One day. Alan, write that down next five years and we'll bring Alison along with us.

00:01:16.212 --> 00:01:37.846
That would be so cool. So make sure that you write where you're from so maybe we can stop by your town. Yeah, but one of them says that it's actually from Florida. And she says that she loves all the mom devotionals because I have been in a challenging season with my son's health and they all have, they all have lifted my spirits, she says.

00:01:37.909 --> 00:01:41.605
So thank you for sharing that. It blesses us more than you know.

00:01:41.629 --> 00:01:48.846
And hey, we'll be praying for your son. Yes, we will. That God will give you the wisdom to keep doing what's right for your son. Amen.

00:01:48.909 --> 00:02:07.391
All right, so, Gabby, would you take it away? Yes. So today's called the belonging, and we're looking at Galatians 522 through 24. It says this, but the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. Against such thing, there is no law.

00:02:07.487 --> 00:03:04.605
And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. This week I'd like to focus and we're going to talk about the fruit of the spirit. We're going to look at all of Galatians five. But I think when we start this conversation and we look at the devotionals from the beginning, what we need to see, with the fruit of the spirit is when we belong to Christ, we experience the fruit of the spirit when we belong to God and we're in a relationship with him and we are close to him, when we are a part of him, that's when we experience the fruit of the spirit. The fruit of the spirit. They're not just qualities that if we're not in a relationship with the Lord or we don't have the spirit in us, that's not something we just strive for. You have to have the spirit in you for there to be fruit. It's almost as if saying, I just want to have strawberries. I want to have a garden of strawberries. And, you know, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna go and I'm gonna put a straw.

00:03:04.629 --> 00:03:14.313
I just want strawberries. That's all I want to do. But we're not willing to actually plant the seed, water it, do the whole thing. I'm not good at gardening, so that was my best, my best attempt.

00:03:14.614 --> 00:03:44.629
But we have to start with belonging to Christ in order to experience the fruit from him. The fruit of the spirit. We have to be filled with the spirit in order to have the fruit of the spirit. And so this week, I just encourage you to really be filled with the spirit. Get closer to God this week, don't look for self control. Go to him. Go to God, and he'll give you that self control. Don't just ask the Lord or don't, just ask for patience and expect patience or strive for patience.

00:03:44.822 --> 00:03:52.054
Strive for the spirit to dwell within you and to be inside of you, and you'll see that patience just comes.

00:03:52.213 --> 00:04:51.288
Yes. It's not like a one, two, three step thing where it just makes sense, but it is a draw near to him as he draws near to you. And you'll experience these fruits, you'll experience love, you'll experience joy. You're going to notice. You'll have joy for people and love for people that you have not had before because you belong to Christ. And I think that's a big part of all of it that we need to know. We can't just ask for patience. We can't just ask for self control. We can't just ask for gentleness. We can't just look for the qualities. We got to go to the spirit for them. We have to go to the spirit, ask the spirit to lead us, to fill us, and then we'll start to exude that fruit. Yeah. And I love that because it really challenges to thank and to know that everything comes from Christ. Yeah, everything comes from him and through him. Exactly. So if we want anything that's gonna be good, it can only come through him. Yeah.

00:04:51.375 --> 00:04:58.759
So we need to seek him every day, pursue him every day to be able to have all these things. Amen. That was beautiful.

00:04:58.791 --> 00:05:53.882
Gabby, can you pray for us? Yes. Lord, we just thank you for today. And we thank you even in the midst of the trials that we are facing, just like one of our listeners, as she's in a battle for the health of her son, Jesus. Lord, everything that you've given to us, you have prepared us for it. God, you have not put us in a situation that you have not given us the tools we need to get through it. But, Lord, I pray that in the midst of the battle or in the midst of, even in the midst of the victories, God, that we would draw near to you, we would search for you, we would look for your spirit. Before we look for your qualities, God, before we look for what you can do for us, I pray that we would just go to you and go to who you are, Jesus. And so I just pray over them today. Pray over all of us today, that we would belong to you. We would look for that belonging in you, God, and not in just the fruits. Not looking for and asking for patience or for love or for kindness and gentleness. No.

00:05:53.978 --> 00:06:04.244
That we would ask for you and your spirit. And, lord, all of those things would flow from it. So we thank you, Lord, for it. Bless us today, Jesus name. Amen. Amen.

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So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven.

00:06:11.815 --> 00:06:29.064
Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend. Leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.