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May 29, 2024

The Battle Of Flesh & Spirit

The Battle Of Flesh & Spirit

How do you think seeking guidance from the Bible can help you in walking by the spirit?

In this episode of My Morning Devotional, we dive into the topic of the battle between the flesh and spirit, especially in the context of motherhood. We encourages everyone to seek guidance from the spirit, whether we are new to our faith journey or have been walking with Christ for years. By immersing ourselves in the Word and learning to differentiate between the flesh and the spirit, we can find the strength to overcome challenges and respond with love and grace.

Let today be a reminder to walk by the spirit, trusting in the wisdom of the Word and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our steps. Just as a muscle needs training, our spirits require daily nourishment and exercise to grow stronger.

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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You're listening to my morning devotional podcast, episode 1018. Today's Devop is called the battle of flesh and spirit. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time.

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That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Good morning, everybody.

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Happy Wednesday. It's Wednesday. Wednesdays are fun. Wednesdays are because you get to the. Middle of the week and you're like, we made it. We made it. We're halfway there. I like Wednesdays because I have youth group on Wednesdays, so I'm prepping for tonight. Yeah, you're gonna have a great time if you know these youth have the best time, and they love you. Oh, thank you so much. They really do. So, before we get into it, we want to read some of the messages that we have been getting. And this one is from Regsburg, Idaho. Ooh, this is awesome. We need to get out of Miami. Yes, we really do. And she is really just thanking us about the lessons of motherhood that you guys have been sharing. So we know there's a lot of moms listening. So, moms, thank you for listening. I hope that this podcast is giving you a little bit extra fuel in the day as you tackle all those motherhood things to do.

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But it's Wednesday, and I know Gabby has another great podcast for you today, so can. Let's get into it. Yes. Well, I think actually today we'll speak to the mothers, because we're talking about the battle of flesh and spirit.

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And I know in those days, when you're a mom, whether you're a stay at home mom or you're a working mom, your flesh and your spirit are telling you to do two different things. Your flesh is telling you to go and put that kid in time out, or if you're more intense, to give him a little pat on the butt. And your spirit is telling you to be patient. So I hope this speaks to you today. Galatians 516 through 17 says this, but I say, walk by the spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the spirit, and the desires of the spirit are against the flesh.

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For these are opposed to each other to keep you from doing the things that you want to do. I compare the spirit in the flesh and just go with me for a minute. If you follow pop culture, the spirit and the flesh are like Kendrick Lamar and Drake, always opposed to one another. It's like coke and pepper. It's like Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez. They're going to be opposed to one another.

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They will not be on the same page. But there's a reason for that. Rochelle, if you're listening, there is a reason why they're opposed to one another. And I think this is good for us to learn today. It's going back to Monday's devo about getting closer to the spirit and being filled by the spirit. Because, you know, our flesh, it's what we naturally want to do.

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So the desires of the flesh will just come easier.

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They'll come natural because we're born into iniquity, we're born into flesh. We're not born into this spirit. It's something that we have to be filled by. We have to receive, we have to every day walk in it, right? So the flesh is going to come natural to us.

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So our first thought, when it comes to maybe responding to your spouse, responding to your tantrum throwing kid, responding to your boss, it's going to be something out of your flesh. It might be anger or it might be stress or it might be, it might be hurt, it might be sadness. It might be something that, it just comes natural to us.

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The good thing you should do, the right thing is going to be the hard thing because it's the complete opposite of what you naturally want to do. So you have the spirit and you have the flesh. They're always going to be opposed to one another. So when it comes to the decisions that we make today, when it comes to our mindset, when it comes to our heart, we should just be prepared to always be seeking. What does the spirit ask me and call for me to do? What is the spirit longing for me? What is the spirit telling me to do? I think that's why I love this verse, because it's saying walk by the spirit. It's telling you, take action. To live by the spirit, there is an action behind it. We have to work towards this. This is not something that comes easy for us. It's something you have to work out. Walking by the spirit is a muscle that you have to train every single day.

00:04:25.100 --> 00:05:12.951
Know that your flesh and your spirit will be opposed to one another. When we know that, we can better understand when we have those natural feelings or when we have that response that maybe isn't the right response. When we know that, okay, if it comes natural to me, it's not what the spirit is telling me to do. It helps us decipher what the spirit is telling you to do. And so people always tell you the right thing is the hard thing, and it's hard because it's exactly what you don't want to do. It's the thing that your body is telling you not to do. And so today, I just encourage you, those listening, really be in tune with the spirit today. Really walk by the spirit. We're in a day, and we live in a culture and in a society of people that are just walking and living by their flesh every day. It's canceled culture.

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It's, I'm going to post about something, I'm going to tweet about something, or I'm going to x about something, whatever you call Twitter now, or I'm going to put something on TikTok. It's outrage. Culture. It's everything that comes natural to us. We as christians, if we belong to Christ, we have to choose to respond to things differently. How do we respond different? Respond with our spirit. If there's something crazy that happens in culture or maybe something happens in your family, maybe holding your tongue is what the spirit is telling you to do, it's easier just to go off and just start screaming and start to give everybody a piece of your mind. But the spirit says, no, let's withhold what we have to say. Hold on. Hold your tongue. A soft answer turns away wrath. And so they're always going to be opposed to one another. Understand that, and really pray that the spirit would work through you. Walk by the spirit today, and don't just instantly respond by what comes natural to you. Yeah. And, you know, if you're listening today and you're hearing this walking by the spirit, listening to the spirit, and if you're new to our relationship with Christmas and this term might be a little bit new to you, don't be intimidated by it. That's good. Don't be, because it's actually a lot easier than it seems. If you're like, how do I listen to the spirit? Read your bible. Yes, it's all in there. If you're not sure about a reaction that you're taking and you're like, I'm not sure if this is right or wrong. I want to respond this way, but maybe I should go to proverbs.

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Yes, read proverbs. That book will tell you in the. It will literally, to give you the right way to walk through something that's so good and. And that way, you're truly walking by the spirit. And let those words be so much in you that you now learn. Now, this is the spirit and this is not.

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Yes, this is the flesh and this is the spirit. So we just encourage you.

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Don't be intimidated. Read your word. Because you can walk by the spirit. Even if you're a new christian, you can do it. Amen. That's so good.

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And the last thing is, everything God has ever spoken, it's all been in his word. We don't have to ask God for something else. He's already said it.

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He already spoke it. Go to his word. Yeah. Amen. Gabby, can you pray for us? Yes. Lord, thank you for today. Thank you for an incredible morning that we have had an incredible day we're about to step into.

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Lord, I pray that you would give us all the ability today to walk by the spirit. If we're questioning how to do it. Lord, lead us in our time, of our. Our devotional time. In our Bible, Lord, lead us to a verse that can help us walk by the spirit today. Jesus and I pray that all of us would turn away from our flesh. We need our spirit in today's day. We need the holy spirit to lead us in everything we say, everything we do, and how we respond. So lead us today in the spirit and help us all walk by the spirit. We thank you for it. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen.

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So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven.

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Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.