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May 30, 2024

Warning Sign

Warning Sign

Do you believe that living by the spirit is a choice we make daily, despite the influences of culture and society?

Join us for a thought-provoking Episode 1018 of My Morning Devotional Podcast and explore Galatians 5:19-21, discussing the works of the flesh and how to live by the Spirit. Perfect for anyone looking to deepen their faith and stay strong in their spiritual journey.

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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00:00:00.280 --> 00:00:22.021
You're listening to my morning devotional podcast, episode 1019. Today's Devo is called Warning Sign. Hey, there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time.

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That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Good morning, everybody. Happy Thursday. The week is almost over, but it's been so good. Gabby, you have been taking us through a very deep few days of devotional, but it's really good. We need that deepening, and there's nobody better than you to do this. Thank you so much. Thank you. It's been awesome. Well, we're gonna go a little deeper today. Yes.

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So yesterday we talked about how flesh and spirit are opposed to one another, and we're gonna look a little bit more into the flesh part of it.

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So again, we're on the fruit of the spirit. We talked about the fruit of the spirit at the beginning on Monday, but before. And you know what's interesting, Rochelle, quickly, backstory when I. Because I've been teaching on the fruit of the spirit to all of our youth and our young people.

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I didn't realize that before. Paul talks about the fruit of the spirit. He talks about the works of the flesh. I don't know why I never pointed. I never saw that. Because I think just the fruit of the spirit is such a well known thing. But Paul gives you, this is what the flesh is, and then this is what the spirit is, and then he follows up. It's super cool. We're going to go into it. Okay.

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Galatians 519 through 21. Today we're going to talk about the flesh.

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This is our warning sign. Now, the works of the flesh are evident.

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Sexual morality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions. There's more divisions, envy, drunkenness and orgies and things like these.

00:02:00.739 --> 00:02:15.163
I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. Wow, boom, boom. I feel like that speaks for itself. And we could just pray and have a beautiful day today.

00:02:15.283 --> 00:04:15.383
Yes. But first of all, if we're looking at the first half of this verse, when he's talking about the works of the flesh, these alone, I can give you a celebrity for each one of those today in our culture. Wow. Think about it. Yeah, you've got sexual morality, impurity, sensuality. You have people in our most exposed place of culture in Hollywood today, the biggest celebrities, the biggest celebrities that are doing these things, and they have some of the biggest, biggest influence in our culture today. And it's not to judge anybody or bring anybody down, but what it is to show us is that culture today is influencing people in the works of the flesh. And so at the end of this, I love that Paul gives the people a warning. He's like, hey, I'm warning you as I warned you before, like, it's the most big warning sign that he can give somebody of, if you do this, you will not experience the kingdom of God. And I think in our, our culture, there's actually a lot of confusion there because people think, well, if I sin, as long as I get it right with God, I'm good to go, and I'll just keep on sinning. But God's grace is enough for me. His grace is sufficient for me. So I can sin on a Saturday or on a Friday, I can post what I want, but as long as I caption it with a cute little Bible verse and know that God has saved me and I'm in a relationship with him, then I'm good. And he's not talking about the heart here at all. He's talking about the things that you do. He's talking about the works of your flesh, and he is saying those things when you act out in your flesh. We can't inherit the kingdom of God. And, you know, I've been telling people this recently, God is very strong on what he created and what he put in place. God does not waver when it comes to what he set in motion, his design. He doesn't change based on culture. We don't want God to change.

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We wouldn't want God to waver, because he would just be another religion or another God that changes his mind based on culture.

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We want God to be the same yesterday, today, and forever. Because when we have something that's stable like that, it's something that we can trust. It'll never break, it'll never fall. We'll never lose that belief. We know that God is always going to stand firm and what he put in motion, what he put in place. And when you believe in God, you're standing on firm foundation. So when it comes to the works of our flesh, it is hard, because yesterday we talked about it. It comes natural. It is hard to walk away from the things that you physically desire, what you naturally desire. It is hard to hold your tongue before yelling at the person on the road because they cut you off. It is very difficult to do that. But when we understand, hold on, there's a kingdom at hand, we're looking at building God's kingdom and glorifying God in everything that we do. And if our flesh pushes us farther away from his kingdom, but the spirit only ushers us into his kingdom, I think that'll give us a. That's a pretty good argument to living by the spirit. And the Bible tells you exactly what it is when you're living by the flesh. Yes. And if you don't know it, it's right there. It's in the Bible, and it will tell you. And you said that on day one.

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On Monday, you shared how for us to experience the fruit of the spirit, we need to have this relationship with Christ.

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But having a relationship with Christ is not just saying, I know him, I have a relationship with Christ. Let me do what I want. I will still experience good things. Is having that relationship. For us to be able to get those results, we have to say no to our flesh.

00:06:02.153 --> 00:07:14.189
Exactly. And it's a clear picture of what we have to say no to. And when we do that, we truly get to have everything that God has for us. But first we have to say no to our flesh and be strong in that. Even though culture is making you look pretty because you have all these people with all these influences and followers, and you think if they have that many following, it should be good. There's something that they have that's good, but it's not good. Yeah, and they mask it with that, but then the fruit of their life is not what you want it to be. So Bible's telling you that these are the things that you do not do. Yeah, but they're also awesome because as you will continue to share, they give you a clear picture of what to do. They do. And then he goes on to tell you what the fruit of the spirit does for you. So I think it's beautiful. And. And let's go out with praying that all of us would really come to understand what in us is the flesh, because everybody else struggles with different things naturally. You know, maybe you don't struggle with strife, but you struggle with jealousy or whatever it is. And it's a good thing to come to terms with what is your struggle, and then you give it to the Lord, and the Lord helps you work that out. So let's pray.

00:07:14.221 --> 00:07:31.858
Lord, I just thank you for today. I thank you for all the listeners, I thank you that we have a place, God, that we can speak freely. And I pray that those of us listening today that this was. Even though it was a hard truth, God, and it can be a hard pill to swallow. I pray that we would listen to this and receive this with grace.

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I pray that we would listen and receive this with a heart that's open and wanting to do more for God and wanting to live right. I just pray over every person that's listening that you would help them today as they work out this battle of flesh, as they work out this walking by the spirit, Lord, that you would, by your grace, help all of us see the areas in our life that we have to put on the altar in order to walk in the spirit. Lead us in your way, God. Lead us in your spirit and give us the grace to do it today. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

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So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven.

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Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.