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May 31, 2024

Big Steppin

Big Steppin

How can you incorporate the idea of taking "small steps in the spirit" into your daily routine or decision-making moving forward?

In this episode, we delved into the importance of keeping in step with the spirit, taking each small step with purpose and intention. Just like a child learning to walk, each step we take in the spirit brings us closer to experiencing the fullness of God's grace and blessings in our lives. As we navigate life's challenges and decisions, may we be encouraged to seek guidance from the word of God and strive to align our actions with the spirit. 
Remember, every step you take is significant, leading you towards greater things that God has in store for you.

We invite you to share this message of hope and inspiration with a friend, family member, or colleague who may benefit from a daily dose of positivity and faith. Your support and engagement help us spread the message of love and grace to more hearts around the world.

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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You're listening to my morning devotional podcast, episode 1020. Today's Devo is called Big Stepping. Hey there.

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We're the alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Good morning, everybody. It is Friday. We've made it to Friday, and it's been such a good week. Gabby, thank you.

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Because you have challenged us to really pursue the right things. And sometimes those things might be a little hard to hear, but we have to, because if we want ever the right food in our lives, we need somebody that would tell us, hey, this is what the Bible says. Yeah. And I thank you for that. Well, thank you, Rochelle, because we were even just talking about it in between filming that.

00:01:02.293 --> 00:01:05.989
It can be hard to hear, but it is from the word of God. Yes.

00:01:06.061 --> 00:03:20.840
And we are. What this podcast is for is to look at the Bible and speak from a verse or a collection of verses. Nothing we say here is our own opinion. Everything is from the word of God. And a couple weeks ago now it's been. A couple months ago, I did a morning Devo on how the word can cut like a knife and how it's meant to divide, and it can. It's. The Bible's called a double edged sword. And it's very difficult because it can. The things it says, it can be so against maybe our belief system, our culture, how we were raised. And that's where it just comes with, like, okay, lord, let's just. I'm here to submit, and I might not understand it, but I ask that you help me understand it. And so that's what we're here for, is to help kind of bring understanding to the word of God. Let's do it. So today we have the last one, and now it's going to be really good to just put a period to this week. Yeah. So let's do it. All right, so the last one, we called it big stepping, and it's Galatians 525. And this is just the final verse to wrap up. The entire week we've been talking about the fruit of the spirit, fruit of the flesh, and it says this, if we live by the spirit, let us also keep in step with the spirit. The best way that I can explain this is your son. So I have the whole story your son is now almost one year old, almost one, and he is starting to walk. And it's incredible, because if you don't have kids or you've not been around kids, you think that when a kid takes his first step that they're immediately walking. But you, when you have a child or you have a niece or a nephew, you realize that the first step is really just the beginning of a month long process of learning how to walk. And I think we can actually learn from that whole story or analogy when it comes to walking in the spirit. I love that Paul says, keep in step with the spirit because we might take one step towards the spirit, listening and walking in the spirit, but just because it's one step doesn't mean we're walking yet. So we have to keep on stepping. We have to keep in step. Every decision we make, it goes back to a little leaven, keep in step.

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It's one step at a time. It's one good decision.

00:03:24.695 --> 00:04:19.444
It's one spirit filled decision. It's one spirit filled step at a time. And once we continue to step in the spirit, then we'll start walking in the spirit. But we can't expect to start walking in the spirit from one day to the next. You said it a couple days ago. If there's listeners, if you're listening to this and you're new to a relationship with the Lord and you're trying to figure out, okay, what is the Holy Spirit? Who is the Holy Spirit? How is God one person, but in three, like, different versions, you know, it can be hard to understand, you know, the Trinity and how he's the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit at the same time. But as you do that, if you follow the word of God, it's just taking one step at a time. Yes. When, when Marino's learning how to walk, we're not expecting him to start running. We're not even expecting him to walk by himself from one side of the room to the other. When he takes his first step, we just want him to take one step at a time.

00:04:19.603 --> 00:04:34.860
It's one small little step in the right direction, and before we know it, the kid's going to be running up and down these halls. But it starts with steps. And so Paul tells us, if you live by the spirit, then and also keep in step with the spirit.

00:04:35.012 --> 00:05:29.379
Every step we take, every decision that we make, I'm about to sing that song. I'll be watching you. I don't know if you guys know that song, but every step that you take make sure. It's by the spirit and it's with the spirit. When you're walking, can you look to your left or to your right and notice that the spirit's with you? If you feel like you're alone and you're walking in your own way, then revert your path and go back to the path of the spirit. Keep in step with the spirit and you'll see the kingdom of God's gonna be at your hand. You're gonna see the glory of God in your life. You're gonna see the grace of God come over everything that you're working with. And ultimately, when we keep in step with the spirit, we're gonna experience every fruit of the spirit, but we gotta keep on big stepping. Yes. I love that. And you know, when Marino's taking one or two steps, we celebrate every step because we know every step will get to him running.

00:05:29.451 --> 00:05:32.603
Yes. And that's why we don't say, oh, he just took one or two steps.

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We're like, he took one step, he took two. We almost count how many steps he's taken. That's so good because we know what he can do. So in that way, every step you take, it's a big deal. Amen. It's a big deal. And the Holy Spirit is cheering you on, thinking every step you take is a big deal because we know God knows where that's going to take you to.

00:05:54.620 --> 00:07:51.514
Exactly. So don't think this is just one small one because we know that little bit will turn into something big. So that small step that you take will lead you to big things. That is so good, Gabby, thank you. This week has been amazing with you. Good. Can you pray us out? Yes. Lord, we thank you for this week. We thank you. That even through the challenging lessons and verses that we've read from your word, God, that your grace has just covered all of it. That, God, you've gone before us and you have prepared every heart that listened to this. Every spirit that's listened to this and received it, God, you prepared them for this. We thank you, God, that you've sent us this word and this verse and this wisdom to help us keep in step with your spirit. Lord, I pray that today you would help all of us, including Rochelle and I. Keep, keep in step with the spirit from big life decisions on do I move across the country or do I move to that city? Do I go to that school? Or even decisions, like, what do I think about this person? What am I going to say about this situation? How am I going to treat my spouse today. Lord, let every decision we make, let it be in step with the spirit and we will see that as we take small steps in the spirit we will be walking and and running with him. We thank you for it. In Jesus name, amen. Amen. So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong but your love for Jesus is stronger. Thank you Rochelle. This was fun doing this with you our first time. Alan put us in the podcast again together because we both, we vibe together. Well, not vibe, but we we do it. We can do it. We are, we are. No, we do really good.