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June 10, 2024

Consider The Call

Consider The Call

What specific areas in your life do you feel you need to surrender to God for His wisdom and guidance?

Join us as we explore the importance of humility and God's unique calling for each of us, regardless of our worldly qualifications. Whether you're seeking a deeper understanding of scripture or just a daily dose of inspiration, this episode is sure to touch your heart and fuel your spirit. 

So grab your coffee, and let's dive into today's devotional journey!

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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You're listening to the my Morning Devotional podcast, episode 1026. Today's Devo is called consider the call. Hey, there. We're the Alesis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time.

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That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning devotional podcast. Hello, everybody, and happy Monday.

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My name is Lauren Alessi, and I am your host for the week, joined by my sister, Gabby Alessi. Good morning, everybody. The roles are reversed. I know. I know. What a week we've had. What a week we've been through, Laura, we've been through. How are you doing today, Gabby? I'm doing good. I'm excited for today's Devo, and I think it spoke to me this morning in my own personal devotional, and I feel like it's gonna speak to everybody today. I hope it does. Awesome. Love that. Why don't we just dive right into it? So we're gonna read from one corinthians 126 and 27. And what's cool about this verse is that we're reading it on episode 1026, so there's a cool connection there.

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But it says this for consider your calling, brothers. Not many of you were wise according to worldly standards. Not many were powerful. Not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise.

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God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong.

00:01:32.852 --> 00:01:55.134
And now let me preface this by saying, I read this earlier this morning in my own devotional and in my own time with the Lord, and I was convicted of this. It's been with me. It's been in my spirit all day. I even journaled, Lord, expose the things in the world or around me in my life that are weak, that are foolish.

00:01:55.433 --> 00:02:05.493
Right? Because it looks like there's an opposite. It's like the opposite game here. And we see that with God, he chooses those that are underqualified to do his will and to do his work.

00:02:07.274 --> 00:03:17.265
But when you were doing your. And we listened to your podcast from last week, in all of your episodes, you were talking about living humbly, and you were talking about walking in humility. And so I think my prayer has now changed from, lord, show me the things in the world that are weak and foolish. And now it's become a show that, show me the things in me that are weak and foolish. Show me where in my own life that I don't, I'm missing the mark that I'm not quite doing it right, or God show me where I'm boastful or I'm too wise or I'm too strong. Because obviously the Lord does not use the world's strength. He uses his. Yeah. And again, God goes for those that are underqualified. I love it. In verse 26, he says, not many of you are wise according to your only to worldly standards. Not many were powerful. Not many of you were of noble birth. He's saying, you guys in this church in Corinth, you guys weren't the top of the line, the. The top of the food chain, if you want. You guys weren't kings or princes or you, you might not have had money and riches and all, or nobility. But he's saying how God doesn't bless.

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God doesn't use those that are in kingdoms. Yes, God can use everybody.

00:03:21.282 --> 00:04:28.386
And again, I said it. We're still working. I'm still working out this whole conviction and the true interpretation of this, what Paul is saying. But I think one of the things I'm taking away is God doesn't use worldly wisdom. Yeah. God doesn't look at the world and say they have it right, or the people that have money are the ones that I use, or the people that have it all together and have all the strength. God can use anybody. Those of noble birth and those of no noble birth. Yeah, yeah. Those that just come from anywhere and those that are born in kingdoms. And this is something for me that I'm working through. This is something that even in this podcast booth, we've been talking about this, and, and I think we can be honest here. I've had to do a couple takes of this episode. Yeah. Because I'm even praying about it and working out, lord, what does this fully mean for me? And I think it's just off the heels of humility, you know, I could sit here and we can try to teach what this means, and I can give you my own interpretation, but I didn't write this. It'd be wrong of me to give you my own interpretation. I can tell you what I'm sensing and what I'm convicted of, and that's what I'm convicted of right now, which is what in me is too wise. Where do I feel like I've got it all together? Yeah.

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What in me do I feel like I have the strength to do it all?

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Because obviously that's not something that God is really mindful of, you know, he's not wanting to work with those things. He's wanting to. To work when I'm weak, because the Bible also says when I'm weak, he's strong.

00:04:42.937 --> 00:05:11.853
Yeah. And he's wanting to work in my little bit of foolishness, because when I'm humble in my foolishness, then he can make me wise. Then he can help me in those things. And so again, I just pray that this blessed you. I pray that this. Can I even encourage you, if you're listening to read this verse, read all of first corinthians one and even respond to us what you're receiving from the spirit, what the. What the spirit's downloading in your spirit, because there's something here, and there's something beautiful about what.

00:05:11.934 --> 00:06:07.394
God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise? God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong. That's a powerful verse. And so as it downloads into my spirit and as it starts to stir in my spirit, I pray it stirs in your spirit, and it can convict us of a few things. Yeah, for sure. And I love that you brought this up for a few reasons. One, because it gives the listeners permission to be like, oh, okay. There's, like, I can process out a verse that maybe I don't fully understand. Yeah. And I will say, if you just keep reading, which we always encourage listeners to do, go back and read the whole chapter, not just the verse, but it does say God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not to bring to nothing. Things that are. So that no human being might boast in the presence of God. So it goes back to the humility subject. If we had it all figured out, if we knew everything, then what's the point of having God?

00:06:07.473 --> 00:06:10.334
Exactly. So God's like, there's kind of this.

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You need a little bit of that confusion in what you're reading. In my word, because you need me and you need. And you need to depend on him. Exactly. And those questions you have, you need to submit to God because you need him. And that's kind of the whole point of having God in your life. So I think that was. I love that you gave the listeners permission because we can sound all day like, oh, we know the Bible, but we don't. The only reason we know what we know is because we've asked him for it. Exactly. So thank you for being so honest. For real. Can you pray us out for this week? Yes, Lord, we just thank you for this incredible week. That's ahead. And we just thank you, God, that even in the midst of our. Our lack of understanding, God, that you are still gracious and merciful to come down to our level and walk us through your word. Walk us through your anointing, God, and the gifts that you've given or given to us through your word. So we just pray over all of us today that you would give us a fresh understanding of first corinthians 126, that you would lead us, God, into what it truly means, that you would show us the foolish areas in our heart, or maybe the overly wise areas in our heart, the overly strong and boastful areas in our heart, God, that we can come down to. We can start to release. We can start to move on from, Lord, that you would convict us of those areas and bring us to a greater understanding of this verse, of this full chapter of this entire book of first corinthians. Lead us to more understanding of who you are. And we thank you, God, that we can depend on you. We can depend on your knowledge. We can depend on your wisdom, not the wisdom of the world, but the wisdom of you. So we thank you for it.

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In Jesus name, amen. Amen.

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So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven.

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Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend. Leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.