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June 12, 2024

The Cure To A Broken Heart

The Cure To A Broken Heart

Have you ever experienced a broken heart that led you to draw closer to God?

In today's podcast episode, joins us to dive into a very heartfelt and sensitive topic – grief. If you've recently experienced a loss, this episode is for you. We're discussing Psalm 34:18, which beautifully reminds us that "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." Whether you're dealing with the loss of a loved one, a job, or even a significant relationship, know that you are not alone. God's presence is closer than you think, and He provides us with our daily bread – the strength and peace we need to get through each day. 

Join us for this five-minute daily dose of heaven, and let's find comfort together in God's unwavering presence and love.

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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00:00:01.199 --> 00:00:22.661
You are listening to the my morning Devotional podcast, episode 1028. Today's Devo is called the Cure to a broken heart. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time.

00:00:22.797 --> 00:00:59.183
That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Happy Wednesday, everybody. I am Lorna Lessie, and I'm joined once again by my sister, Gabby Lessie. How are you doing, Gabby? I'm doing good. It's been a good week so far, and I look forward to today. We got some cool stuff we're going to go into today. Yeah. So before we officially start, I do want to preface, you know, we have the text number now that you can text. We have social media, of course, and we have been getting a lot of good feedback, which is great. It's amazing.

00:00:59.484 --> 00:01:42.439
I'm shocked that people have questions, to be honest with you. It's like, wow, this is amazing. And although we can't answer everybody's specific need and question, we kind of just grouped what we could together, and we would like to answer most of the questions because we do appreciate that people are listening and are so involved that they are asking questions. So please keep asking questions. Don't say, oh, they're. They're never gonna respond. They're never gonna say anything like that. No, we really wanna know what you have to say and what you wanna have to hear from us. It's kind of what we feel like we're here for. Yeah. And I think that's a little bit about what today's podcast is about. So why don't you lead us into it? Yeah.

00:01:42.471 --> 00:01:56.894
So I think you guys have had plenty of time to get to know us, right? Our family, us as sisters, and a little bit of our background. But now these texts help us get to know you as an audience. And we're very strong on relationship.

00:01:57.013 --> 00:02:07.757
I mean, our whole church, we talk about it. Our church is known about relationship, relationship, relationship. So we're big on getting to know people. And so that's why I really love these texts. And today's episode just kind of.

00:02:07.926 --> 00:02:41.063
It's going to be responding to a situation. Okay. And yes, to a person, but also anybody else that might struggle in this area of life as well. And so somebody from Charleston, South Carolina, which is probably my next favorite city, next to Miami, this is like my favorite city in America. But they were sharing with us that they started listening to the podcast about six months ago. But then a month after listening, they were trying to work on their relationship with the Lord and getting closer to God. Her father in law, her husband's father, who lived with them, suddenly passed away.

00:02:41.364 --> 00:02:48.804
And now she's at this place of looking for now resources and what's next for her life in this grieving process.

00:02:48.883 --> 00:04:25.584
Yeah. And obviously, you know, we could try to give you all the. The tangible resources and what to go look at and what to find and different, just connections and relationships. Number one, I will start with this. If you're not in a local church, go find a local church. Yeah, I know. I will. I will speak a verse in here. It's coming. But for this person specifically or anybody else that's struggling, community will help you get through grief and get through a loss better than anything. Yeah. So find a local church. But this is a verse that always speaks to anybody that's in this season. Psalm 30 418. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Although you might not feel the Lord is near, and although you might feel that, it's very frustrating to trust in God in this time. And why would this happen? And. And what if this happened? And what if I did this? And why is God, you know, we always ask that question, why do good bad things happen to good people? If God was good, then why did this happen? But what we don't realize is the Lord is drawing near to you at this time. Yeah. And if you're facing a broken heart from anything, you lose a loved one, you lose a job, you lose a relationship that you really thought was your future and thought was your life. And maybe you lose something that was so near and dear to you, and now you don't have it anymore, and now you're grieving over something. Know that the Lord is near to you know that the Lord is near to those that are broken hearted, that he saves those that have a crushed spirit. It's not saying that he's near to those that are excited. He is right.

00:04:25.624 --> 00:06:12.391
God is near to everybody. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I think that it's unique that David is putting this here, that God. God is intentional about being near to those that are brokenhearted, because God is willing to sit with you in your grief, in your process, and help you take it one day at a time. Know that God gives you everything you need for each day. Yeah. I love the verse. It's the prayer that Jesus tells us to pray and it says, give us this day our daily bread. Right. All you need is bread for the day. Yeah. You don't need bread for the weekend. You don't need bread for the month. You need bread for today. Yeah. God is near to you, giving you the bread that you need for today. And whatever you're facing, anything that caused you to have a broken heart, God is near to you. Whatever has crushed your spirit, God is near to you. God wants to supply every need that you have. And yes, and Lauren can probably give you more info on just the natural process that you're going to have in this grief season. Right. That this is just natural and you have to walk through different steps. But on a spiritual perspective, God is going to draw near to you. He's going to provide what you need spiritually. He's going to give you your daily bread, what you need for today. And then you pray each and every day that God helps you one day at a time. Yeah. And you're going to have all the anger and the process and the frustration, all that's to come. But just know that God is near. He's drawing near to you, and he's going to help you through this season. Yeah. And we believe that. Amen. We believe it. Cause we've seen it. Lauren, too. Yeah, absolutely. And I will say, I love that you mentioned give it time. You don't need to have bread for the next year. You don't need to have bread for, you know, for a long time. You just need to have bread for today. And especially with grief. Yeah. Grief takes time and grief is tough.

00:06:12.487 --> 00:07:39.934
And you just need to get through today. Exactly. And then wake up tomorrow, get through that day. Exactly. And I love that you mentioned that because God's not asking us to do anything else. No. He even says, don't worry about tomorrow. Yes. Because tomorrow has enough troubles of its own. It's true. So I love that you made that point. Gabby, would you close us out in prayer? Yes. Lord, we just thank you for all of our listeners. We pray over this sister of ours that's from Charleston, South Carolina. As she is processing this loss, her and her husband, we just cover them in peace and prayer. A peace that surpasses all understanding, Lord. And we just believe. And we know that you are near to them right now as they are struggling and dealing with a broken heart. We pray for anybody on this podcast that is dealing with a broken heart in this season. Maybe it's a sudden broken heart. Maybe they've had a broken heart for a long time. Yeah. And they're really dealing with how to move on and how to properly process this grief in life, whether it's a loss of a loved one, a relationship, a job, or a season that they had to move away from, or a city that they had to move away from, whatever's called causing them to have a broken heart or a crushed spirit. God, we know that you are with them. We know that you are near to the brokenhearted. God, that you are saving them. Those that have a crushed spirit. So revive them, Lord. Bring them up, Jesus. Give them everything that they need to get through each day, one day at a time. We thank you, and we love you, Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

00:07:43.134 --> 00:07:46.598
So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven.

00:07:46.725 --> 00:08:03.973
Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend. Leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.