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June 13, 2024

Where Does Your Strength Come From

Where Does Your Strength Come From

Can you share a personal story where you saw the strength of God help you through a difficult time?

In today's episode, titled "Where Does Your Strength Come From?" we dive into the powerful concept of drawing our strength from Jesus. Together we'll explore Ephesians 6:10 and how to practically apply its teachings to our everyday lives. We'll reflect on personal anecdotes, like the steadfast strength of our dad, to illustrate how putting our faith in God can guide us through any challenge. Plus, you'll hear encouraging feedback from our listeners and get a chance to join us in a heartfelt prayer to start your day.

So grab your latte, get comfortable, and let's get inspired together!

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We're so glad you're here!

We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

Here’s how to join our community!


00:00:00.119 --> 00:00:32.929
You're listening to the my morning Devotional podcast, episode 1029. Today's Devo is called where does your strength come from? Hey, there. We're the Alesis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning devotional podcast. Happy Thursday, everybody.

00:00:33.002 --> 00:00:52.225
We're almost at the end of the week, and we've had an amazing week so far. I'm Lauren. Alessi. I'm joined by my sister, Gabby. Alessi. How you doing, Gabby? I'm doing good. Hopefully you guys are enjoying all of these episodes this week and these devotionals. It's been really cool again to hear from. From some people and just their feedback. Loren, did you.

00:00:52.289 --> 00:01:28.311
I don't know if you heard, but I made a reference on one of the episodes last week or two weeks ago about a live podcast tour. And I just said it to say it, you know, but somebody responded to us and was like, by the way, if you're ever going to do a live podcast, count me in. That's crazy. I think the funniest part about that is that it's a five minute recording, so we would travel somewhere to record five minutes of a podcast. That's true. And then travel. If we do a live podcast, it's going to be five minutes long. Unless we do, like, the two weeks. In a row we show them the live.

00:01:28.367 --> 00:01:39.215
Yeah. Okay. Give us your feedback. What do you want to see if we do a live podcast tour? Alan? Our producers looking at me like, be careful what you wish for. But you know what? Let's just see what comes of it. Right?

00:01:39.239 --> 00:02:00.373
And then what city should we go? Maybe we hit up Fort Lauderdale. Hey, an hour from. Yeah, that's great. I didn't even know live podcast tours were a thing, but okay. That's awesome. Well, Gabby, as we have said, we have had really cool feedback. And again, if you have questions, anything, just any comments. If you're like, this was a really good episode.

00:02:00.793 --> 00:02:11.786
You have the text number, we have social media, anything, please reach out to us. We love hearing from you guys. But, Gabby, why don't you lead us into today's verse of the day? Yes. So this comes.

00:02:11.889 --> 00:02:26.753
This is a response to a question that we got, and somebody asked us a question from Chicago. Um, they asked a question. They're saying, hey, we love the podcast. But I have a question about things. What do you mean by get your strength from Jesus?

00:02:27.174 --> 00:02:37.981
And I think I love that there's responses like this and questions, because we are so used to this stuff that we can just say a line and we know how to do it. We know what we mean.

00:02:38.038 --> 00:03:10.259
But a lot of people don't fully know how to apply or apply that to their life. And I think, just quick side note, it's also challenging for us to be like it is. Oh, hold on a second. Yeah, you're right. How do we apply that practically? Exactly. Exactly. So hopefully, when I read this, ephesians 610 came to my heart. Excuse me. And it says, finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Another translation would say, in the power of his might. But this is the whole point of today, be strong in the Lord.

00:03:10.372 --> 00:04:31.963
The question is, how do we put our strength in Jesus? Well, when you asked this question, and like Lauren said, it challenged me, because again, it can be just Christianese, which we just say that, and we don't really know what that means. I thought about how our dad, Lauren, we have a very strong dad. We have a very strong american italian father or italian american father, whatever the right lingo is. But he is a very. Yes, physically, he's very strong. But his, his mindset is strong. His personality is strong. He has strong opinions. We have a very strong dad. And growing up, when you have a strong dad, you really feel invincible. You think you can get into any restaurant, you can get into any concert, any, anything. If you have, if my dad's with me, I'm going to get in, because my dad's the person that doesn't take no for an answer and all that. Well, it's a picture of when my dad's in control and when my dad is the one leading things. I trust we're going to be fine. I don't even, when we're at a restaurant with dad, I don't feel the need to look at where we're sitting, you know, on the table. I don't feel the need to take control there. When we're driving and dad's in the driver's seat, I don't even feel the need to look out the wind. I'm like, we're chilling because why dad is in control. This is how we apply putting our strength in Jesus, where our help comes from.

00:04:32.264 --> 00:04:42.778
When you know the strength of your father God, when you know his strength, we can put our faith in him and we go, you know what? I don't even need to worry about this situation because God's in control. Yeah.

00:04:42.865 --> 00:05:03.550
When you know how powerful God is, and this is where it might take some self discovery of God's strength on your end, and maybe you have to seek that out. But when you know the power of God and when you see the strength of him now, when you put your strength in him, what it looks like is saying, God, I'm taking my hands off the steering wheel. I'm going to let you drive. Mm hmm.

00:05:03.622 --> 00:05:10.358
Lord, I know a lot's going on in my life, and. And this isn't right. And that's not right. But you know what? I'm putting my strength in you.

00:05:10.485 --> 00:05:20.557
And it goes back to the talk of mindset. It's putting your eyes, taking them from what's in front of you and putting your eyes on the things above. Putting your eyes on God and saying, lord, I'm going to depend on you.

00:05:20.646 --> 00:06:07.064
And it's a mindset. It's something you have to tell yourself every day. No, there's not some physical application that we can give you where you write something in your journal every day. No, it is a mindset. It is something that you have to speak and declare and confess over yourself daily. That, Lord, I'm putting my trust in you. And just like I trust my dad to get me from point a to point b in a car, I can trust God that he's going to get me from point a to point b in this situation, and I'm going to be better for it because I put my trust in him and I relied on his strength and not my own. Yeah. And it's interesting. I so relate to this person who's like, how do, how do you, I make this advice tangible, how do I make it practical? Cause that's me all the way. Okay. I love this advice, but how do I actually apply it? Yeah.

00:06:08.004 --> 00:06:26.589
And I think that's the thing. What you're describing is faith. Yes. And faith is something that we just have to put our faith in a God we can't see. Yeah. But on the other side of that, faith without works is dead. So there is a part of faith that requires practicality and something that is.

00:06:26.732 --> 00:07:09.963
What is that? Okay. You read your word, you get to know who God is so that, you know, I'm putting my faith in a God who is strong and invincible, and that's me kind of practically putting my strength in God. As I'm getting to know God, I am reading his word. I'm going to church. I'm getting involved in the community. I'm serving his house. That's me putting my strength in him because that's me putting my faith in him. Yeah. And it is tough because there's a whole aspect of it that there's no tangibility and there's no practicability and there's really nothing you could do about it. But there is an aspect that you're thinking when I'm reading my word, as I'm getting to know God and as I'm worshiping him, that is me putting works behind my faith and putting works behind putting my strength in God. Yeah.

00:07:10.004 --> 00:07:28.348
So, so good. Yeah. Anyways, Gabby, why don't you lead us out with prayer for today? Yes, Lord, we just thank you for today. And we thank you that we can find strength. We thank you that we can be strong in you and in the strength of your might. In the power of your might, God. That we don't have to rely on our own strength.

00:07:28.396 --> 00:07:53.173
We don't have to rely on the strength of our brothers or our sisters or even whatever culture that we're living in. God, we can put our strength, our trust and our faith in you. And so I pray that you would help each of us today shift our mindset, change the way that we think and place our hope on our trust and our strength in you and lean on your strength and not on our own understanding. We thank you for it. In Jesus name, amen.

00:07:55.473 --> 00:07:58.937
So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven.

00:07:59.065 --> 00:08:16.314
Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.