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June 17, 2024

We're Butter

We're Butter

What do you think about the analogy of being "butter" when facing negativity? How can this perspective be applied in daily life?

Today's episode is all about letting the negative comments slide right off of us, just like butter. Join us, as we dive into Philippians 4:8 and learn how to focus on what is true, honorable, and pure, even in the midst of negativity. Richelle shares a powerful devotional inspired by a wise church member's saying and emphasizes the importance of filling our hearts and minds with God's Word. 

Stick around for an uplifting prayer to kickstart your week on the right note. Let's get started!

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

Here’s how to join our community!


00:00:00.239 --> 00:00:35.898
You're listening to the my morning Devotional podcast, episode 1031. Today's devotional is called we're Butter. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Happy Monday, everyone. My name is Stephanie, and yes, that title is called we are Butter.

00:00:36.026 --> 00:03:44.550
Like grass fed organic Kerrygold butter. And we have a very fun devotional prepared for you today, led by my girl Rochelle. So take it away. Hello, everybody. I know it's a funny title today, and I can't get all the credit for this title because I actually stole this from a church member because she says that she has this saying about we're butter, and it's basically how she uses it is that she says that if she ever, if somebody's ever negative towards her or anything, it's said that it's not right, that is, towards her. She says I'm butter. So when it hits me, it lights right off of me. And so I was just like, I need to use this for the podcast because it's way too good to not use. But our verse today is Philippians four eight, and it says, finally, brothers, whatever's true, whatever's honorable, whatever's just, whatever's pure, whatever's lovely, whatever's commandable, if there's any excellence, if there's anything worthy of praise, think about these things. And I love this verse. And now, actually, Stephanie, you wrote a song with this verse, and it's become now one of my favorite verses because of the song that you wrote. And it just stays in my mind all the time because of your song. But that's awesome. I love this because when you hear negative comments about yourself, when you are around a negative environment, when you really are just struggling just with your thoughts, you can look at the other person and say, well, it's on you because you're saying these stuff about me, because you can't change the other person, but you can look at it and say, in the midst of the negative environment, of the negative comments, the negative things, or just the people that I'm around, I can still think about what is pure, what's honorable, what's excellent. It's on me to say, those things can affect me. They're going to slide right off of me because I'm uttered, because I am thinking on whatever's true, whatever is just. And I am going to protect myself and put a right guard in my mind and in my soul and in my heart by saying I'm going to think all the right things even if I am in a negative environment, even if people are saying negative things about me. Yeah, I can still think good things and not be angry at the other person because I know who I am, because I'm thinking the right stuff. I'm thinking excellent. And the way that I do that is just by getting my word every day and learning the things are pure, the Bible says are pure. Thinking about the things that are true because the Bible is filled with truth. And let those things fill me so much that when the wrong stuff comes, there's no space to stay inside of me. It just slides right off. Amen. And so I just encourage everybody today to think about what is true and honorable and just, and do all of that by just reading the word of God. Amen. That was amazing, Rochelle, thank you so much for sharing that. Can you pray us out today? Yes.

00:03:44.581 --> 00:04:21.975
Let's do it. Dear Father God, thank you so much for another week of my morning devo that we get to spend together. And I just pray that this week, Father, you help us focus on all the right thoughts that you will start sharing with us. Lord, all the things that you think about us and let that be enough for us for the rest of this week. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now.

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Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.