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July 3, 2024

Be Patient

Be Patient

What steps can you take to start rejoicing in hope, being patient in tribulation, and being constant in prayer, inspired by today's devotional?

In today's episode, titled "Be Patient," we dive deep into Romans 12:12 and explore the powerful message of rejoicing in hope, being patient in tribulation, and staying constant in prayer. The importance of maintaining a strong relationship with God even during challenging times. 

Tune in for a refreshing dose of encouragement and practical wisdom to help you navigate your day with faith and grace.

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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00:00:00.520 --> 00:01:14.286
You're listening to the my morning Devotional podcast, episode 1043. Today's Devo is called Be Patient. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning devotional podcast. Good morning, everybody, and happy Wednesday. You are halfway through the work week. You're almost there. You're almost done with the work week. My name is Lauren Alessi. I'm your host for this week, and I'm joined once again by my sister Rochelle Alessi. Yes. Good morning, everybody. How are you doing today, Lauren? I am doing good. I am doing good. Well, you look great. Thank you. I appreciate. You look great. Thank you, Rochelle. What is our verse for the day? Today is romans 1212, and it says, rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer. This verse is so simple. But like we've said the past two days, there are verses that have simple truth. They're kind of easier to understand because they're straight to the point.

00:01:14.358 --> 00:01:21.620
Yeah. And I love this one specifically because it says that we have to be patient in tribulation.

00:01:22.000 --> 00:01:50.394
And in the middle of all that, we can do it by being constant in prayer. And sometimes prayer could be such a hard thing for us to kind of get through because we think that there is a specific way we have to pray, a specific order, specific place. And though we have to be intentional about prayer, we do have to set time aside to say, today, I'm going to pray about this and I am going to do this.

00:01:50.561 --> 00:02:12.550
Sometimes a prayer in the car in the middle of that hard day is really all you need. And you don't have to say the perfect words to God, but just a God. I'm here. I'm having a really hard moment right now, and I genuinely don't know what to do next. Can you show me? Can you help me get through this?

00:02:13.539 --> 00:03:16.319
Can you just be with me right now? Just simple words like that will help us get through these really hard times. And that's how we can have patience and endure, because sometimes we pray for patience, but patience is not just being good at waiting. While you're being patient, you have to be doing something, and that simply can just be prayer. In those moments, you can develop a stronger relationship with God, and you can say, I'm going to go to God for this, and I'm not going to just sit here and complain about it or think there is nothing else to do. When, yes, I'm going to be patient. I'm going to stay in the race. I'm going to hold fast to all the good things I know God has shown me, even though I don't feel like it right now, but I'm just going to pray, and that's the way that I can be patient. But the beginning part of this verse says, rejoice and hope. That is like the first thing. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer.

00:03:16.479 --> 00:03:20.168
So every, it's kind of like the perfect line alignment.

00:03:20.304 --> 00:03:38.740
So every single time we're going through something hard, just find a way to rejoice. Just start thanking God for everything that is good in your life, and then that will naturally give you patience to endure that. And then just go to God with prayer and kind of seal it that way for you to be able to get through it. I love that.

00:03:38.819 --> 00:05:19.420
And, you know, it's funny, for me, I will say the most difficult thing is to be constant in prayer. And I don't know if anybody listening can, you know, maybe has their own version of the three things, whether it's rejoicing or being patient. But for me, I don't know why it can be so difficult to just be constant in prayer, because sometimes I feel like, oh, God knows, you know, I've prayed enough. But we forget that prayer is that that's what keeps us in relationship with God. So even as you were speaking, I was like, whoa, she's blowing my mind right now. She's right. So, yeah, that was a really great point. It's great. Cause today, Lauren, we got to go and see a beautiful pregnancy center here in Miami. And these women are doing amazing work. They're helping all these young women who are pregnant, and they don't know. They don't have the finances, they don't have parents, they don't have guidance. They don't know what to do. And this is a safe place for them to go and get help in whatever area that it is. And when we were leaving and we're asking them, what else can we do for you? All they said was, please pray for us. Keep praying for us. Which showed me prayer can do what money can't and what man can do. But prayer, it's more powerful sometimes and all those things, because that's when you realize that you're kind of limitless. But God isn't. So even though I'm limited, I'm going to go to God and I'm going to say, God, I've done all I can, but I know who you are, and I know what you can do, so I'm gonna go to you. Yeah.

00:05:20.040 --> 00:05:23.632
Well, with that said, I feel like, what else is there to do but pray?

00:05:23.696 --> 00:05:27.495
Yeah, Rochelle can do it. Pray us out for today. Yes.

00:05:27.608 --> 00:06:01.990
Dear Father God, we just thank you for giving us the Bible and giving us clear instructions to how we can live our lives, Father. So we just come today and we just pray. It doesn't have to be perfect, but we just say, God, we're here. And we just ask that you'll help us get through these days and that you will give us the wisdom to do it right. But in the middle of all of it, that you give us joy to be able to rejoice and not just get through something, but be a victor in something and be steadfast. And we're going to hold on to all the good things that you have said. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

00:06:02.569 --> 00:06:06.033
So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven.

00:06:06.161 --> 00:06:23.389
Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.