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July 15, 2024

House Into A Home

House Into A Home

What strategies can couples use to maintain a strong relationship during stressful periods?

In today's episode, "House into a Home," join us as Stephanie Muiña shares a deeply personal reflection on her current season of life, she finds herself juggling the demands of family life and construction pressures. Throughout this journey, she anchored herself in the wisdom of Proverbs, finding strength and purpose in God's word. Tune in for a heartfelt devotional that encourages you to embrace life's stretching seasons with faith and trust in God's plan. 

Plus, don't forget to help us reach 3 million downloads by sharing your favorite episodes. Let's dive into today's message together!

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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You're listening to the my Morning Devotional podcast, episode 1051. Today's episode is called House into a Home. Hey there.

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning devotional podcast. Well, good morning, everybody.

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Happy Monday, and I hope you guys are ready for a great week that you're about to have. I'm Gabby Alessi, your host for the week, joined by my sister, Stephanie Muena. Good morning, everyone. It's gonna be a great week, Stephanie. Steph's gonna be doing all of the devos for this week, and I look forward to jumping right into it. But we have some exciting news. Yes, we do, gabs. We are about to reach 3 million downloads. Insane. We are right there to reaching 3 million downloads. So here is what we need from you, everybody listening, all of our family here at the my Morning Devo podcast. Share this podcast. Share the episode that you love the most. Post about it, whatever you can do, share it, please, because we are right there to reaching 3 million, and we know that more people need to hear these devotionals as we dive into the word of God. Amen. Every morning. It's just the perfect boost we've heard from so many people, even in our. Our friendship and in our friend groups. It's the perfect boost and. And just encouragement to get them through the day. So share it, like it, comment, whatever you can, so we can get to 3 million downloads. Let's do it. It's gonna be awesome.

00:01:37.569 --> 00:01:45.058
All right, Stephanie, take us into today's Devo. Awesome. So, today's devotional is called house into a home.

00:01:45.233 --> 00:02:00.384
And I just kind of wanted to be more personal this week with you guys about what I'm going through and some of the. The season that I'm currently in with my family. And right now, my husband, he's a carpenter, and he loves to flip houses.

00:02:00.432 --> 00:02:19.199
So he has this property in Jensen beach that he has bought, and we are working on. He's working on it with his dad alone. And we've just had two babies. And, yes, he's working on it with his father alone. Well, I think people need to understand he is flipping this house with his bare hands.

00:02:19.240 --> 00:03:05.294
Yeah. He is demoing it, reconstructing it, all of it. He and his dad, with his bare. Hands, like, all by themselves. And I, um. It's. It was really easy those first couple months of doing it, but now we're kind of reaching a point where the pressure is on. And I have been, uh, with the kids, taking care of them, and now I'm starting to help out with the house very little, not doing much, but I'm starting to help out, and I am for sure feeling the pressure of taking care of children by myself, um, getting the help from family and him in the middle of this construction project. And it's funny, because as we are reconstructing this building, we feel like there's been a reconstruction in our hearts at the exact same time.

00:03:05.461 --> 00:03:48.602
And if anybody knows what this season is like, where your husband's working or your wife is working long days and you're alone with the kids, you understand that it's a pressure filled season. And I have just dived into the word of God, and I've had to dive into the word of God, and I've landed on proverbs. I'm going to be reading from proverbs all week, and I've been reading from proverbs, and I've been reading specifically proverbs 423 27 that says, above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity. Keep corrupt. Talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead. Fix your gaze directly before you.

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Give careful thought to the paths for your feet, and be steadfast in all of your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left. And keep your foot from evil. So this verse has really helped me in this season. Just stay on the path of. Of speaking highly of things. Keep corrupt. Talk far from my lips. To stay focused on what God is telling us to do. To fix my gaze only on God and his plan for me. And to give careful thought to the paths of my feet. And to be steadfast in all of my ways. And to not turn to the right or to the left, and to not walk in evil of any kind. But just trust God in this season, because I know that God has us in this season for a reason.

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He has us here to stay focused, to be stretching us, to be stretching us individually, to be stretching our marriage. God has us here to stretch us. And, yeah, the stretch can be painful, and the stretch can be full of pressure. The stretch can be full of stress. But I rest knowing this, there's a purpose for this season and today. If you're feeling that exact same way, if you're in a stretching season. Maybe with your school, maybe with your marriage, maybe with your job, whatever it may be. Know that you're not alone today.

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And know that there's a purpose for this season and it's going to make you stronger, going to make you better. And this is your challenge. Just trust the Lord. Read a Bible verse. Read all of proverbs every single day, one proverb a day. And lean into the wisdom of God. Lean into the peace of God and he will give that wisdom right back to you. He'll give that peace right back to you. A peace that surpasses all understanding. And no, you're not alone. I'm in a similar season myself. It's hard. It's stretching, but it's beneficial in the end. And we're going to look back on the season and be so thankful for what God put us through to strengthen us and to make us better. So let's just pray about it today.

00:05:46.918 --> 00:06:34.192
God, I thank you so much for the season you have us all in. And father, I pray that if anybody feels this same way as I do, that you will give them the peace right where they're at. That you will take all stress out of their heart and mind, and that you will just give them the peace that they need to get through the day. Father, we trust you. We lean on you. We know that there's a reason for this season, and we know that you're going to continue to show more of yourself to us as we walk through these seasons. Maybe this season isn't about us. Maybe it's to further put you at the center of our lives. So we trust in you, we lean on you, and we thank you for everything that you've given us. And in Jesus name we pray. Amen. So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today.

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We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.