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July 24, 2024

The Main Character

The Main Character

Are you supposed to be the main character of your own life? Or is that a dangerous mindset? 

In today's devo, Gaby and Steph delve into the concept of "Main Character Syndrome" in our culture, emphasizing the importance of recognizing God as the ultimate main character in the story of our lives. They bring a profound perspective with the help of Psalm 8:3-4, reminding us of God's incredible creation and His mindfulness of each of us. This thought-provoking discussion encourages us to shift our focus from self to the Creator, who meticulously orchestrates every star, every storm, and every life situation.

We encourage you to take five minutes to listen to this powerful devotional.

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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00:00:00.320 --> 00:00:51.326
You're listening to the my morning Devotional podcast, episode 1058. Today's Devo is called the main character. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning devotional podcast. Good morning, everybody. Happy Wednesday. Happy Wednesday. Gabby, you're doing a fantastic job this week. I love what you share, and I love that you bring in a lot of biblical knowledge into these podcasts. Cause they're short, they're quick, but to have that deep wisdom is very important, and I love that you bring that. So do it again, girl.

00:00:51.398 --> 00:00:58.768
Take it away. All right, so this episode is about being the main character. And I think that's something that's thrown around all over social media.

00:00:58.823 --> 00:01:13.207
Like, I'm in my main character era, and then it's like, videos of girls, like, but I'm the main character. So I want to kind of hit it a little bit because we've been talking about this at our church recently about the main character syndrome. Yep. And I want to hit it today.

00:01:13.263 --> 00:01:50.621
Psalms eight, three through four. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them. Human beings that you care for them. I don't want this to be an episode where we talk about, like, how lowly we are and who are we to say. I don't want to be too accusatory with my statements, but I hope that this verse can kind of humble us in this way, because we do have a main character syndrome going around culture today. Oh, yeah.

00:01:50.686 --> 00:01:53.941
Where it's. The people call it the religion of self.

00:01:54.126 --> 00:03:08.388
If I feel good about it, if. If my feelings and what I want to do are aligned, then it's a go. If my heart wants what it wants, then it's going to get what it wants. If it makes me happy, I'm going to do it. Yeah. And we live. It's like our belief system is like belief of selfdevelop. There's no longer a statement of beliefs at my church. The statement of beliefs of the bIble. This is what I go by. It's. Now. It's like my own statement of beliefs. And number one is love myself above all else, you know? And I don't even think a lot of us recognize that it's a new habit that we're actually living by. Totally. What do you feel? And then we kind of, as Christians, can be like, well, God, why am I going through certain things? And why are you taking me THrough certain things? And instead of in the storms of life or in the seasons of life, instead of acknowledging God, we just acknowledge ourself. And this verse hit me so strong TodAy because the fact that we forget who the creator is and that God put the heavens in place, the stars in place, the work of his hands, the moon, the stars, everything that he put in place.

00:03:08.443 --> 00:03:19.186
And then David says it, God, who am I? That you're mindful of me, crazy. And I think this is a good reminder for all of us. And this isn't something of, oh, God, woe is me, forget about me.

00:03:19.337 --> 00:03:36.069
But this is a good thing to recognize of. Hold on. If God's taking care of what the sun's going to do at this time of day, if God's taking care of the moon and the stars that are going to come up at this time of day, if God's taking care of that storm that's way out in the bahamas, then God can take care of my situation.

00:03:36.409 --> 00:04:15.915
I'm not the main character. Who am I that God is mindful of me, right? It's not all about me. God, you're the creator of the heavens, of the earth. If you set the world in place, if you set the sun in place, God, you'll set my situation in place. If you were able to take all the stars in the galaxy and control them and put them in their places, if you were able to take storms and tell them when to go and when to stop, if he was able to look at a storm over the sea of Galilee and calm the waves, then God can come into our situation. He can put everything in place. He could bring everything that's chaotic in order. He can put all the storms to.

00:04:15.948 --> 00:04:33.245
Rest and, gabby, I'll take it even further. God made the world in seven days and he called it good. Can you imagine what he can do in your life if you made him the main character? Wow. And you entered his situation because in seven days, he made a perfect creation. He made everything.

00:04:33.387 --> 00:04:40.425
Yeah. The. The creation that people want to worship today. God created. Yeah. He made that from nothing.

00:04:40.497 --> 00:04:54.769
Yeah. But this is a beautiful part. This is why we serve such a good God. When we acknowledge him, God acknowledges us. Amen. Because David goes on to say, who are we that you're mindful of us. What is telling us is God is thinking of us.

00:04:54.850 --> 00:05:12.865
Yeah. Yes, he created the sun. Yes, he created the moon. But God's still thinking of you. He's mindful of your every move and every thought and everything that you're going through in your life. So all that I want to say today is, look, I don't have the one liner. I don't have the piece of advice or the wisdom today. It's just a good perspective.

00:05:13.057 --> 00:05:23.946
Be mindful of God, and he'll be mindful of you. Acknowledge God as the creator of the universe. If he got the sun going, he will take care of you. You don't have to worry about it.

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Trust in God. Acknowledge him because he is mindful.

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So I just want to pray over you today. Whatever you're facing, acknowledge God in your season, acknowledge who God is. Remember, he sits on the throne. Not just the throne of your life, but the throne of our, our world. He is in control of this. And so just remember that. And as you're mindful of Christ, in Jesus name, he is mindful of you.

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Amen. We thank you for it. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.

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So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven.

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Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend. Leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte. Is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.