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Aug. 9, 2024

Above All, God

Above All, God

How does your relationship with God help you stay steady through life's ups and downs?

Happy Friday! In today’s episode, Richelle takes us through Psalm 37:4, reminding us to seek God above all. This powerful devotional encourages us to place our trust in the Lord during every season of life—knowing that in both good times and bad, our constant should always be our relationship with Him.

Grab your favorite latte, settle in, and let's get started on this spiritual journey together.

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We're so glad you're here!

We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

Here’s how to join our community!


00:00:00.200 --> 00:00:14.429
You're listening to my morning devotional podcast, episode a 1070. Today's Sivo is called, above all, God. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida.

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And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast.

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Good morning, everybody, and happy Friday. We've made it to Friday. The weekend's coming. And thank you so much for tuning in this week. I hope that has blessed you. My name is Rochelle Alessi and I got the privilege of sharing this week. As you probably saw, we're doing just one person leading the Devos.

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Now, last week you had Lauren and she did amazing. This week you had myself. And next week you're going to be blessed by the rest of my sisters. So let's get right into the devo today.

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Psalm 37 four. And it says, delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. If you could tell, this week's theme is really all about us seeking the Lord, wanting him above everything, not just material things or the good things that he could give us, but us alone, wanting God by himself, us wanting to seek him and want to have a relationship with him. And I thought this would be a great verse to end with because we know that we know God can provide. We say it all the time, we trust and he will give us all these things, but we forget about the part of us seeking him no matter what. Seeking him when things are good, seeking him when things are easy, but also seeking him when things are hard and things are not so fun in life, we need to seek him in every area, every season of our life, because we need to say, in the good seasons, God is still better. In the bad seasons, God is still better. And that is our constant. That's what's going to keep us at a constant, knowing that God is good all the time, because we just want him no matter what season we're on. And this verse saying, delight yourself in the Lord after that. And even goes to say the things that he will do for us.

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And that's how amazing our God is, that he will give us that desires of our hearts. But what if our desire could just be we wanting more of him, getting to see different parts of him that we've never seen before?

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In the good seasons, when we delight in the Lord, we get to see a now a new part of the Lord. And in the bad seasons, when we still deny of the Lord, we get to see a version of him that we've never seen before. And in that, all the good things come, and he gives us what our heart desires the most. But I encourage you today to say, I desire the Lord above everything. Above the good things, the bad things. I desire him. Him alone.

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I want to be the person that says, in a good or bad season, I'm confident and I'm steady. Have you ever met that person? Like, no matter what they are, like, steady at y? They're happy, they're. No matter what happens to them, they're just so constant. And I think sometimes that really comes from saying it's because I know who I know who I spend time with.

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I know my God. And nothing compares to him. Even the good things he gives us does not compare with the time that I spent to him.

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There's bible verses where David would write in their psalms, and he says, God, all I ask that I get to see your beauty and to spend my days in your courts, in your temple. And this is a guy who was a king who had it all. He had all the riches you can think of. Think of the person that rules right now.

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They have it all. And even with having it all, he said, I desire God, lord, I want to see your beauty. I want to spend time with you. So we know from that that even material things and the good things he gives us will never be able to fill us like the way the Lord himself does. And so I just encourage you this week. Seek the Lord in everything you do. Seek your relationship with Christ. And if you are a little unfamiliar about what does it mean to desire him, what does it mean to. To spend time with him?

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Just think about when you're spending time with your family and your friend. There's a safety in that. So just enter your relationship with Christ like that. Go into your room and open your bible and read psalms 23, read any psalm, read any scripture, and just say, lord, I'm here with you. And let the words of God speak over you and get to know his voice by reading his word and saying. And then that way, you're gonna see how you're getting to know him. And that desire to be with him would grow even more, because you're gonna realize my life will never be the same without you. I want you, Lord, in every area of my life. And you're gonna see how much you need that every day. And your life will never be the same. So let's pray today. Dear Father God, we want to thank you for an amazing week, and I just pray a special protection over every listener listening this week. Father, I pray, Lord, that you will give us a desire to seek you more, to get to know you more. Father, show us different parts of you that we have never seen before.

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Lord, we are going to delight in you. And in that way, we're going to get to see a new part of you. But, Lord, we say we want you. Not just the things you give us, Lord, for we want you. In Jesus name we pray.

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Amen. So there you have it, your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.