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Aug. 21, 2024

The Magic Of Humility

The Magic Of Humility

Do you agree that humility brings riches, honor, and life? 

In today's episode, titled "The Magic of Humility," we dive deep into Proverbs 22:4, which tells us, "Humility is the fear of the Lord. Its wages are riches and honor and life." Together, we explore how our culture's obsession with self-care can sometimes eclipse the profound blessings that come with a humble heart.

Join us for this inspiring devotional and start your day with a heart full of grace!

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

Here’s how to join our community!


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You're listening to the my Morning Devotional podcast, episode 1078 and today's Devo is called the Magic of humility.

00:00:08.310 --> 00:00:26.513
Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven.

00:00:26.661 --> 00:01:07.459
This is the my morning devotional podcast. Good morning, everybody, and happy Wednesday. I hope you will have a wonderful day. I hope you have had a wonderful day. Maybe you're listening to this later in the evening. We have an amazing podcast scheduled for you guys today. My name is Stephanie. If I didn't introduce myself, I have been sharing with you all this past week, and I just absolutely love speaking to you all on our podcast. So let's dive into it. In proverbs 22 four, it says, humility is the fear of the Lord. Its wages are riches and honor in life. Amen. I love that Bible verse.

00:01:07.620 --> 00:02:24.409
So it really hit me because I've been reading through all of proverbs. I'm sure you noticed because in the other podcast I've done this past week, I've been reading from proverbs. So this hit me because, you know, our culture is very much obsessed with the self. You hear a lot about my recognition, my affirmation, trusting myself, loving myself. I'm treating myself. Everything has to go through the filter of the self. Does this sound good to you? Do you feel good about this? Does this look good to you? And it's not going through the filter of humility and servanthood. Here's the truth of the matter. In our lives, we don't do life alone. There are other people in your life, and we directly affect those other people. Your thoughts and the way you talk and the way you act, it affects the other people around you. I mean, the simple question is, how are we all going to be happy if we only focus on our own happiness? How are we all going to feel served if we don't serve anybody? How are we going to feel complimented if we don't compliment anyone? How are we going to feel recognized if we don't recognize anybody?

00:02:24.949 --> 00:02:57.060
I love to remember that Jesus could perform the craziest miracles. He was the son of God. He could bring people back to life. But he came down in humility. He came down to serve. He gathered twelve disciples around him, twelve Mendez that were intelligent, that had backgrounds, that were grown adults. And they followed him everywhere that he went. And what did he do? He got on his hands and his knees and he washed their feet.

00:02:57.639 --> 00:03:49.699
Jesus, the Son of God, served man. So I know exactly what it feels like to feel like you have not been recognized in a long time. To feel like you have not been affirmed in a long time. To feel like every time you walk in your house, you are the only one who's taking care of the house. To feel like in your marriage, you are the only one giving the compliments. You're the only one complimenting your children or picking up the work at work. You're the only one who's doing all of the work without ever getting recognized. I know exactly what that feels like. But let me remind you that proverbs says humility is the fear of the Lord and its wages, meaning what you get from humility are riches and honor and life.

00:03:50.000 --> 00:04:05.168
There's a magic to humility. If you just remain humble and you first give that recognition, then trust me, someone is going to recognize you. If you first serve somebody, then you will be served.

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If you first compliment someone, then you will be complimented.

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If you first honor somebody, then you will be honored. I promise you. If you just trust in what the Bible says about humility, then you will gain riches, honor, and life. So just some practical steps for you today. Here's how you can be humble. Number one, compliment the people around you. Tell your friend you are so good at dot, dot, dot. You have the gift of dot, dot, dot. You are so beautiful when dot, dot, dot.

00:04:38.105 --> 00:05:01.572
Just a reminder, complimenting others does not take anything away from you. The second thing you can do is serve the people around you. Do you need coffee? Do you want me to wash the dishes for you? Do you want me to put the clothes away? Do you want me to fold the clothes for you? I'll cover our dinner tonight. I'll cover the coffee today. And then the third thing you can do to be humble is to thank the people around you. Thank you for, for all you do in our house.

00:05:01.716 --> 00:05:26.920
Thank you for getting the gas for my car. Thank you for being a good friend to me. Thank you for always following up just humility. If it's. If you put on, if you just go ahead and be humble and you're the first one to compliment. You're the first one to serve. You're the first one to recognize and affirm. Watch how it will then turn and be given right back to you.

00:05:27.259 --> 00:06:03.367
There's a magic in humility and just trust in that. Let's pray. God, we thank you so much for the beautiful day that we get to live today. Father, give us moments during our day where we can be humble, where we can first recognize, where we can first serve, where we can first affirm, where we can compliment, we can thank, and we can give. Father, we want to be humble so that we can gain riches, honor, and life. And we thank you for that, Jesus. And in Jesus name we pray. Amen. So there you have it, your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today.

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We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.