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Oct. 24, 2024

Who Do You Hang Out With?

Who Do You Hang Out With?

How important is it for close friends to share your beliefs?

In today's episode 1124, Who Do You Hang Out With? Richelle is joined by her husband, Chris Alessi, as they delve into the significance of intentional and faith-driven relationships. Reflecting on 2 Corinthians 6:14, they discuss how aligning ourselves with like-minded individuals can profoundly impact our lives, from friendships to marriage. Don't miss this insightful discussion that encourages you to cherish and nurture your own connections. 

Tune in for your five-minute daily dose of heaven, and let's empower each other to take on the day with strength and love!

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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00:00:00.239 --> 00:00:32.692
You're listening to my morning devotional podcast, episode 1124. Today's Sivo is called who do you hang out with? Hey, there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Good morning, everybody, and happy Thursday.

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Today is a very special day because, like I mentioned, I had a surprise for you guys for the end of the week, and this surprise will actually last today and tomorrow.

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And the surprise is that my husband, Chris Alesi, is actually gonna be joining me to finish out this week. Because as we were talking about relationships, the truth is he has so much to say in these areas, and I felt like if I did it on my own, it would not be good enough because he has so much wisdom and so many things to say about this. So I'm really excited that you're here with us today. Say hello. Well, it's great to be here. Hello, everyone. I am a listener of the my morning devotional, and I like to be here and to listen in, and I'm excited to be here today. Awesome. So we are talking about who do you hang out with? This is the theme of our episode today, and the verse is two corinthians 614. And it says, do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Well, you know, we were talking about it earlier, and I think it's so normal to put that verse in the context of dating and marriage. It's one of the reasons why in our own marriage, while we were dating, we had to make sure we were equally yoked, and not just in faith, but in value and the things that we wanted to see for our future. We got married. We obviously saw that. But in this last season of our life, we've really seen this verse come through in our friendships and the people that were around. So I'm a coach right now, and I've been taking some time to kind of coach some people through their personal behavior. And one of the things that we take them through is being intentional with your friendships. And so we actually tell them to take a moment on paper to look at, who are your twelve? Like Jesus had the twelve disciples, who are your twelve? The people you do life with.

00:02:33.288 --> 00:03:31.469
And of those twelve, who are your three? And of those three, man, who's the one? But the purpose of that exercise is not to rank friends. The purpose of that exercise is to be okay. If I was missing the boat, if I was missing the mark, if I became the most stubborn I could be, and my wife, you needed to get my attention, needed to speak to my heart, and I just wasn't listening. Who were the friends that you could call on to say, I need you to go talk to Chris. And the reality is, if those friends weren't of equal yoke with me, if we didn't have the same values as friends, I don't know if they'd be able to speak to me and help me in the way that you would want. In the way that I would ultimately want. So having friends that have the same faith and the same values, it really helps, because we know scripture also says that a brother's born for adversity.

00:03:32.090 --> 00:04:51.646
It's better that if you're not alone when you fall for the other, can help. If I'm doing life with people that do not have the same faith and do not have the same value, you know, it may be all right when things are good, but when things get hard, who do I have to help me out of that pit? So the reality is, for today's devotion, it might not seem like it's the most spiritual thing, but maybe you should take some time to think, who are my twelve? The people I do life with the closest. And of those twelve, if I was to look at the people I spend the most time with, or I'm the most connected to, are they of equal faith and values to me? Because if not, I need to start investing in some heavenly kingdom, godly relationships. So when life does get hard, I can pull on people that have the same values as me. You know, I love that because we just celebrated 2070 years of Metrolife church, our church, the church that we're blessed to attend and work for. And when your parents started this church 27 years ago, they were in ministry before, but they started Metro life 27 years ago. They started with a few couples that are still here till this day, huge. Parts of my childhood, and they're still. Working for the church. It's been 27 years, and they're still working for the church.

00:04:51.838 --> 00:05:35.430
Probably just as hard or even harder than they were 27 years ago. And those people have been one of your parents closest friends. And when I think about that, I won friendships, our 27 plus years, friendships that we've done life together we've built something together, but if they would have not been equally yoked, they would have not able to sustain those 27 years plus. And so I think that was such. That's such a great picture of if we want long time friends, friends that we say we knew them ten years ago. For us, we're saying it right now. A lot of our friends right now, we're all having kids.

00:05:35.589 --> 00:05:57.490
And if we stay intentional about our friendships, they will never. Our kids will not know a day where they didn't know their best friends because they grew up together, and they. Really grew up together. And these relationships are not just for you and me, but eventually they will be for our kids and our families to come. And so that was beautiful. Can you pray us out? Absolutely.

00:05:57.529 --> 00:06:43.519
Father, we thank you so much for the opportunity to just speak to this topic. We know you have so much to say, but I pray for every listener that you would really use your grace and your spirit to start pulling the right friendships into their life, pulling the right values out of the people they're doing life with so they could be of equal yoke to the people around them, and they could have godly, intentional relationships. In Jesus name. Amen. So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend. Leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.