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You're listening to the My Morning Devotional podcast, episode 1176. Today's Devo is called a new song. Hey there. We're the Alessi's, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida.
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And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the My Morning Devotional podcast.
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Good morning, everybody. Happy Monday. It's Alison again. I was with you last week. I'm with you this week. We are kicking off 2025 together. If you don't recognize my voice, I am the founding host of My Morning Devo. If you've been with us since day one. Hi, guys. I'm back. I'm here last week and this week it's been such an honor to be here with you guys. And today we're going to be in Psalm chapter 40, verse 3. It says, he put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him. And I labeled today's Devo a new song because today is kind of the start to the new year. We talked about last week how we don't have to wait till Monday to start the new year, but I know that the majority of us start on Monday. So maybe today you're kicking off a fast. Maybe today you're getting serious about the goals that you have, the dreams that you have, the vision that you have for 2025, and that's okay. And, and I'm with you and we're going to tackle this new year together. I'm happy that they asked me to come back this week because it's so normal that we go through weird things in life. We go through really low seasons, as you guys witnessed last year, which is what birthed this beautiful transition. And sometimes that happens. God gives us a new song, a new season to walk through. And when I started the show, I never saw an end to it. And I'm so grateful that I never saw an end to it because God didn't see it ending. He saw the continuation of it, the new story of it. And now we have four additional beautiful hosts that take you on week to week. And they're so knowledgeable about the scriptures. They have been in church their whole lives. They are great, beautiful women, not just, you know, in the world, but to listen to here on My Morning Devo and that was a new song last year, and I'm so excited for what God has this year for us, that being like the show, like the overall community. But what about us as individuals? Last year was a harder year for me. As I continued to battle my infertility, I walked through a second loss. You guys witnessed my first loss with me in 20, the year before 2023. And then 2024, I walked through a second loss, but then God blessed me with a baby in 2024 at the end of it all. And so last year was very special because it was a mix of really low seasons, really, with a beautiful blessing at the end of it.
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And then now in 2025, I get to walk into the season of motherhood with my baby girl meeting us in May. So it is an exciting year ahead for me, but I know it's going to be an exciting year for you. And last week, I brought back our verses, or I'm sorry, I brought back that statement that I always say every year, which is, as we start off a new year, we're not looking for a habit, we're looking for a harvest. And so wherever you are today, I want you to think about the harvest. We talked about that last week. I encourage you to go back and listen to it. But I also want you to think about the new song that God is putting in your mouth. Sometimes our song sounds more like a cry, and sometimes our song sounds more like a cry for help versus a cry out of joy and excitement. It. It can go all ways. He understands the emotions, the array of emotions that we feel. He understands it all. So in 2025, wherever you end up, whatever you do, whatever you're doing today, praise God. Praise God that you woke up this morning. Praise God that you have breath in your lungs. Praise God that you have a roof over your head. Praise God that you have a vehicle driving you to wherever you're going, because most of you listen in the car. Praise God that you have life and you have people who love you, that you have an education.
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Maybe it's a hobby or a passion. God has given you everything to live today to the fullest. And it would be a shame if we directed our song to otherworldly things.
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He is a jealous God. We know that. So just continue to direct your praises onto God himself. He is Lord. So as we head into this new year, think about how our words have power. Think about how we are headed into not just a new year, but a new season and a new song, and we don't see it we don't know what the year ends. We don't know how the year ends. We don't know what's going on. But what we do know is that God is good in it all. So the prayer for today Father God, we thank you Lord, that we may not see the steps ahead of us. We may not know how it plays out. Just like this time last year.
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We didn't know how 2024 was going to play out. But what we do know is that you are a good father. What we do know is that you are worthy of our praise. What I do know is that every day I have a song to sing. And my song is for you, God. Just like the person on the other side of this mic, our song is for you. We thank you for it. We love you with everything in us. We are so excited for what you have in store for us.
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We know that you are so, so good in the mountaintops, in the valleys, and everywhere in between. We thank you and we love you. We pray this in your son's mighty name today and every day. Amen.
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So there you have it. Your 5 minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, Leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow. We pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.