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Oct. 4, 2024

Acts Of God: He Surrounds You

Acts Of God: He Surrounds You

Are you confident that God is always with you?

Happy Friday! In this episode, we’ll be digging into some uplifting scriptures from Psalms that remind us how God blesses and surrounds us, no matter what we’re going through. Plus, we've got a fantastic worship song recommendation from David and Nicole Binion to add to your playlist.

So grab your latte, settle in, and get ready for your quick five-minute dose of inspiration. Let's jump right in!

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

Here’s how to join our community!


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You're listening to the my morning Devotional podcast, episode 1110. Today's Devo is called acts of God. He surrounds me. Hey there.

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning devotional podcast. Good morning, everybody. My name is Stephanie and happy Friday. We have finally made it to the end of the week. I pray that this series has blessed you because I know it has blessed me. I think it is so cool to just sit and learn about God.

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It's so easy for us to become very us focused, but every once in a while to break out of that and ask the Lord, what are you like?

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That is such a mind opener and a heart opener. So I hope that this series has blessed you.

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I hope that it's taken your relationship with Jesus further and deeper as we continue to do this together. I just would love to hear your feedback about what you're going through about how this has blessed you. So if you want, tap the link in the description and send us a message, and we would love to hear from you all. But let's dive into this. This is the final one, and it is acts of God. He surrounds me. Psalms 510 says, surely, Lord, you bless the righteous, you surround them with your favor as with a shield. And psalm 30 418 says, the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. I have no idea what it is you may be facing currently. I have no idea what your situation is, but I believe and I know God and I trust God, that he surrounds you.

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Everywhere you go, you are surrounded by God that could be at work, that's in your car, that could be in a foreign country on a trip, that could be at your home. No matter how dysfunctional a home could be, that could be in the hospital.

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No matter what sicknesses we may be dealing with, no matter where you are, I know that God surrounds you and he protects you and he's close to you.

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And now knowing that he surrounds us, it's so much easier to see that he does see us. And it's easier to hear when he speaks to us. And it's easier to see when he provides for us because he surrounds us. There's a song that I love, and it's from David and Nicole Binion. And we are going to put it on our playlist of worship songs that we love to listen to in our prayer time.

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And there's this part where she sings, you are near, always near to the broken hearted. You are faithful and true. And it is such a beautiful song that if you need that encouragement today, if you need that reminder that God surrounds you and that he's near to you, go listen to that song. It's called here waiting by David and Nicole Binion. But everywhere you go, stay confident that you are not alone. Though you may feel discouraged, though you may feel lonely, though you may feel insecure, you have the God of the whole universe, the creator of the whole world, the man who came and walked this earth and died on the cross and defeated death and rose from the dead and defeated the grave. That man surrounds you, the one who created all of the galaxies, who created fire and mountains and countries and all of the seasons. The one, the man who thought of those things and created them. He surrounds you everywhere that you go. So why be discouraged? Why be afraid? Why walk in worry?

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The God of the whole universe walks right with you and he knows you by name. He knows who you are. And more than that, he loves you. So I pray that this has encouraged you this week, that he speaks to you, he sees you, he provides for you, he hears you and he surrounds you. Let's pray God, we thank you for this relationship that we can have with you. We can't do anything in our life without you. So thank you for seeing us. Thank you for speaking to us. Thank you for hearing us. Thank you for providing for us, and thank you for surrounding us. God, let us walk in faith and boldness and courage, believing that you are with us everywhere that we go. And God, I pray that we learn more about you in our life.

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That over the weekend, we see how you provide for us, we see how you speak to us, and we see you in every situation we walk into. We thank you, Father, and we worship you. And in Jesus name, we all pray. Amen. So there you have it, your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now.

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Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.