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Oct. 8, 2024

All Because He Asked

All Because He Asked

How do you personally relate to the concept of obedience in your life?

Today, as we dive into a powerful discussion on obedience. Host Gaby leads us through the inspirational story of Abraham and Isaac from Genesis 22:1-2. Reflecting on personal experiences, She encourage us to obey God simply because He asks, trusting that He will always provide abundantly. Whether you're driving to work, enjoying your morning coffee, or taking a midday break, this short devotional is designed to empower and uplift you. 

So, let's start our day with faith, hope, and a stronger love for Jesus.

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

Here’s how to join our community!


00:00:00.200 --> 00:00:21.878
You're listening to the my morning Devotional podcast, episode 1112. Today's Devo is called all because he asked. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time.

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That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Well, it's another day, another Devo. It's a beautiful Tuesday, and I hope you are all enjoying, whether you're listening to this podcast on your way to work, whether you're listening to it maybe even later in the day, or you just got settled into work, or you just woke up and you're enjoying your morning coffee, cheers, and have a great day. Okay, so today and this week, we've been talking about obedience, and I've just really been feeling stirred and feeling it in my own spirit and in my own life to talk about obedience. And today I would like to talk about the best picture of obedience, and that is Abraham and Isaac. Genesis 22, one through two, says this. Sometime later, God tested Abraham. He said to him, abraham, here I am. Abraham replied. Then God said, take your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain. I will show you. Now, the first thing I notice about this story, and if you continue to read this story, is that Abraham never hesitated when God asked Abraham for this thing.

00:01:41.620 --> 00:03:40.539
Abraham didn't question. Abraham didn't second guess. He didn't doubt. He didn't try to find another option to sacrifice. He didn't try to even figure out maybe God, you know, take me. Take me as a sacrifice. He simply did what his father asked. And this story has stuck with me the last couple of years, because just a few years ago, I went through a season of my own where it was a quick. I was living my life, I was enjoying my life. God was really just adding to. To my life. And something really near and dear to my heart that I thought was thriving and I thought was amazing. One day to the next, God asked for it. And I really did feel like it was a sacrifice that the Lord was asking me to make. And truthfully, I didn't have any reason. I mean, I didn't have any noticeable reasons to give that thing up. I didn't have any earthly reasons I could say or things that I thought were good enough to give this thing up. But, you know, God asked me for it. And so I, obviously, being young and naive and not wanting to do it, I tried to negotiate, and I tried my best to figure out God. Maybe there's something else, maybe there's something in me that I have to resist. And it all just came back to the same thing. God asked for this one thing, and that's what he asked for. And I can't get away from it. And I spoke to, you know, my parents, I spoke to spiritual leaders, and everybody just kept saying the same thing. If God is asking for it, there's a reason why he's asking for it. And at the time, I just didn't understand. I mean, we'll never really understand when God asks us these things. We'll never understand in the moment because we aren't God. And yeah, we try to make up excuses and reasons why God is asking for it, but I think it just comes down to this. I think we need to obey God. Yes, because we love him. Yesterday we talked about it, but we obey him simply because he asks. Simply because God asks us for it. Abraham, he could have negotiated all he wanted, man, that was his son.

00:03:41.159 --> 00:05:55.533
Abraham had every reason to fight for the thing. It was his promise. It was the thing that he waited for. He prayed for. He tried to make happen on his own. And man, did that blow up in his face. So you'd think this is the one thing that God would never ask for, but it was the one thing that God put to the test and put Abraham to the test for. And if you look at the story, Abraham never hesitates, and he gives freely to the Lord, all because God asked for it. And, man, I just want to have that heart, that, Lord, if you. If you ask me for anything, if you ask me for a relationship, if you ask me for a season of my life to. If it's to be single, or if you ask me to get into a relationship, Lord, whatever it is, I don't want to hesitate. I want to obey you. You know, there's this saying that we say in my family, God will never take steak off your plate without replacing it with steak and lobster. And it's like this invigorating, encouraging saying, because it's true and it's a real principle, it's a real truth, that God will never take something from us. He'll never take something from me without giving me so much more. But, you know, I think for me, I was focusing so much on the steak and lobster and making that the reason why I gave him the steak instead of looking at, you know, God, I just want to serve you instead of making it about giving it to him because he asked for it. I was just so focused on the steak and lobster that I was about to get that I never realized the reason why I was obedient to Christ. And so today, the season that you're in, if God's taken steak off your plate, do it because he's asking for the steak. Don't worry about the steak and lobster that he's going to replace it with. Don't think about it. God, we give to you freely because you ask for it, because here's what we know and I just want to encourage you. God's always going to make it better for us. God's always going to give us more. God will always outdo us. He will always surpass our expectations and our desires. He knows the Bible says he knows our heart's desires. And can I tell you, God's going to give you more than your heart's desires desires because that's the father that we serve. That's the God that we serve. But today let our mindset change, let our perspective on obedience change.

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God we give to you, we obey you all because you ask. Lord we thank you for today.

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We thank you for this podcast God that we can use just to come to you. I thank you that this is our way that we can connect with you as our father. And Lord, whatever you're asking for, whatever you might be stirring up in our hearts, whatever it is, Lord I don't know the seasons that they're going through. I can only really speak from my own experience. But Lord I pray that all of us would obey you simply because you ask. And Lord I'm just believing that blessings are on the way. God you're about to surpass every expectation, prayer, desire and want of all of our family and this community that's listening. So we thank you for it. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. So there you have it, your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today.

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We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong but your love for Jesus is stronger.