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You're listening to the My Morning Devotional podcast, episode 1139. Today's Devo is called Don't Forget to Remember. Hey there. We're the Alesses, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time.
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That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the My Morning Devotional Podcast. Happy Thursday, everybody. My name is Lauren Alessi. I am still your host for this week. I am loving being your host for this week. And we are talking all about Thanksgiving and gratitude. And I just pray right now that as your family is getting ready for the holidays, getting ready for Thanksgiving, that you just feel a sense of gratitude and peace and joy amongst your house, amongst your family, amongst yourself even. And I just pray that for you. But let's dive right into our word. We are reading out of Psalm 95 today. The whole chapter. Yes, the entire chapter. And we are reading out of the esv, the English Standard Version. And before we begin, I love that we're reading more and more of the Bible in My morning devotional because it's really to encourage you and I hope you are encouraged in your own time to go and read more of the Word yourself. But let's begin reading. Oh, come let us sing to the Lord. Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving. Let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise. For the Lord is a great God and a great king above all all gods. In his hands are the depths of the earth. Let's just think about that for a second. In God's hands, the God we serve, the God we pray to, are the depths of the earth. I don't even think we've done full research on the depths of the earth. And I. I think we have as much as we can, but there's still research out there that needs to be done on the depths of the earth. And the God that we serve, the God that we pray to, he holds the depths of the earth in his hands. The heights of the mountains are his Also the sea is his, for he made it. I mean, guys, think about that. We have very little research on the ocean, but the sea is his. He made it. It's his creation.
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And his hands formed the dry land. Oh, come let us worship and bow down. I think just a side note, we we tend to think of worship as such a feminine idea of this stance and we just need to worship and be with the music. God is such a powerful being. He formed rocks, he formed mountains, he formed an ocean, he formed the depths of the earth. Worship is more of we're just in awe of who you are and what you've done. Just take a moment to think about maybe a different perspective of worship that you think of on a day to day basis. Yes, it's good. Put music on in your car and worship him however you prefer to worship Him.
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But worship is not the same to everything. We're worshiping to God because He is this all powerful being and we need to be in awe of that. So oh come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker, for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand. Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as at Meribah, as on the day at Massah in the wilderness when your fathers put me to the test and put me to the proof. Though they had seen my work for 40 years, I loathed that generation and said they are a people who go astray in their heart and they have not known my ways.
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Let's just think back real quick on the first episode of this week, what we talked about how the people grumbled and complained in the people of Israel. That's why we call this episode don't forget to remember. Because that happened in Exodus. Now we're in Psalms referring back to those generations.
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So don't forget to remember all that God has brought you to and all that God has done. So today, if you hear his voice, don't harden your hearts. Don't forget to remember all that God has done. Therefore I swore in my wrath, they shall not enter my rest. Wow, that's. For 40 years. This is how it ends. For 40 years. I loathe that generation and said they are a people who go astray in their heart and they have not known my ways. They therefore I swore in my wrath, they shall not enter my rest.
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So I just pray right now, dear God, help us to not forget to remember God and help us to be grateful for the big things, for the little things. And God, we just come to you and worship you and we're just in awe of who you are, God, because you're not some God who's just a genie in a bottle, Lord, here to grant our wishes. You are an all powerful God. You are a cool God. You formed the sea, you formed the earth. And Lord, we are just in awe of who you are and we give you praise and we give you worship and we thank you for it. In Jesus name, Amen.
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So there you have it. Your 5 minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow. We pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.