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Oct. 23, 2024

Evil For Evil

Evil For Evil

How does taking responsibility for peaceful living align with your faith journey?

In today’s episode, we’re diving into Romans 12:16-18, explores the theme of living harmoniously with others and the importance of not repaying evil for evil. Challenge us to be peace bringers in our daily lives, especially as we navigate through the busy holiday season. Stay tuned for inspiring insights on how to use scripture as a guide to improve our relationships. 

Let's start our day with a positive and nurturing mindset, rooted in scripture and prayer.

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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You're listening to my morning devotional podcast, episode 1123. Today's Devo is called Evil for Evil. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida.

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And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast.

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Good morning, everybody, and happy Wednesday. Welcome back.

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I am Rachelle Alessi, and I get the privilege of being with you.

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Thank you for tuning in this week, and I hope that you're really enjoying this week's theme on relationships. And I hope that these verses are helping you on how you can approach the relationships around you and just to make them better. What better way than to use scripture as a guide on how we should be with the people that we love the most? And like I mentioned, at the end of the week, I have a surprise.

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So stay in there because we're gonna have something really excited.

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But let's get right into today's episode, and I want to read romans 1216 18. And it says, live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to what is honorable in the sight of all, if possible, so far as it depends on you. Live peacefully with all. This verse, I think, is one of the most beautiful verses because it really instructs us on how we should live, and it says that we need to live in harmony with one another. This verse doesn't say, if you come from this background or if you live this life, you're able to live this way.

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This verse is giving us all straight direction, how we should all live, no matter our circumstance or life, no matter our background, no matter what we come from or where we are in today, which means we have whatever we need, no matter what, to live in harmony with one another. And I love that this even goes to say, repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. And this challenged me personally, because when somebody hurt you or when there's somebody that for some reason you're not getting along, it's easy for us to say all the negative things about them. It's easy for us just to say, well, this is just how this person is. This verse says to repay no one evil for evil, but to give thought to what is honorable. Which means every single time I'm going to talk about somebody or do something for somebody, it says to give it thought.

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That means that if you ever feel that at a moment when you're going, you want to say something, this verse is telling us you have to stop and you have to think about what is honorable in the sight of all. No matter what. This verse is not saying if the person is good, we get to do what's honorable. It says it's a direction to us that every single time we are in the setting where we're about to say something, we have to stop and think, would this be honorable? Would this be edifying to the other person, no matter what they've said to you, no matter what they've done, as a Christian, we have that responsibility. And it says that this depends on us. To live peacefully is on us. It doesn't say it's on your neighbor, on your parents, on your sister, on your friend. It says that peaceful living depends on us. So I want us this week to find areas of our life where we're going to be the peace bringers wherever we're going, especially with the holidays guys, wherever we enter home with their family members, you immediately say, my job is to be a peace bringer wherever I go. In my job, if there's people that are a little more, you know, angry or just naturally with more conflict, you're gonna take it on you and say, as a Christian, it's my job to bring peace wherever I go by thinking the best of the person, by thinking good thoughts, by stopping before I do something, by thinking before I say something. Because I wanna make sure that whatever I say brings peace. And that only comes when we take a moment to stop and say, this be honorable. This verse tells us to think before we speak. So this week, what areas and where and what places that you naturally go to, can you bring peace? Because this verse says that to leave peacefully depends on us, not anyone else. So let's pray. Dear Father God, thank you for another day of life. Thank you for every single listener that is too. And I just pray, Father, that you will show them the areas of their life that they can be peace bringers, that they have it in them, Father, to be strong and bring peace in every single room and in every single relationship that they have. In Jesus name we pray.

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Amen. So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals and empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend. Leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.