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You're listening to the My Morning Devotional podcast, episode 1197. Today's Devo is called for all the fault Finders. Hey there. We're the Alessies, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time.
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That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the My Morning Devotional Podcast. Well, happy Tuesday, everybody.
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It is going to be an amazing day. Gabby Lussi, your host, back with a great week ahead of us. And I'm praying for you as you set your mind on things to accomplish. We're praying for open doors, new opportunities, and it's just gonna be a great week for you today. I'm gonna jump right in because I have a pretty meaty, meaty verse for everybody today, and it's job 40, verse 2. Yes. We are reading from the book of Job. So says this shall a fault finder contend with the Almighty. Now, just so you guys know, this is the ESV translation. So if you're looking at Niv, it's not going to say this, but it says, shall a fault finder contend with the Almighty? He who argues with God, let him answer it. This verse, I don't know about you, this verse is speaking to me. Okay? I read this this morning. It was on time for me in my life, and I thought, I need to share this. And that's what I love about this, this podcast is because it's something that. It's not just fresh bread for all of you or. Or something that you can learn from. It's stuff that we're receiving every single day. And when I read this this morning, I just thought, oh, my gosh, I am a fault finder. Where all of my fault finders at? If this is you, I don't know about y'all. I can find a problem with anything and everything.
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I find myself watching a movie and I'm like, oh, they should have shot that better. They should have done this better. I'll listen to songs. And I'm like, man, they should have added this line or. Or done this little melody.
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I'll be in a church service and I'll be like, the lighting just came up too early. I can find faults in anything and everyone. And, you know, in this. This story of Job, Job became a fault finder.
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Now, I think us as humans, when we read this, and as Christians, we can actually probably relate to him and be like, hey, he had a right. Because there was a lot of faults in his life and a lot of things that were taken from him. And Job had experience the most lost. He was at the end of his rope. He would actually rather die than be in the position that he was in.
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But here's what's interesting to me. Even in that low, even in that depression, even in that state, God still challenged Job. You see, God calls him out and says, shall a fault finder contend with the Almighty? Basically saying, someone that finds problems with every everything. Can you compete with me?
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Can you question God? You see, Job thought that God wouldn't listen to him.
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And earlier, Job had said that he thought God would send a storm to crush him. Job was in such depression. Job was in such a state of loss, he didn't know how to move forward. And he was actually fearful that God would send a storm to crush him.
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But instead of crushing Job with a storm, God used the storm to speak to him.
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This is what's so beautiful. And this speaks to anybody that's going through a storm in their life. We think the storm is meant to crush us. When God wants to use it to get our attention. God throws storms in our life. He can use anything. And God used this storm to speak to Job. And ultimately, Job couldn't understand God's plans. He couldn't understand the reason why God did what he did. And he couldn't do God's work better than God did. You see, he started to find faults.
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Well, God, why did this happen? God, I've been so faithful to you, yet I've lost this God. I've been diligent, but I don't have this anymore. Lord, it's better off. Why am I still living? It might be better off for me to just die where I'm standing.
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And so he started to find faults. And I just love how God just called him out right in the middle of it. Shall a fault finder contend with the Almighty? And ultimately, what we see here in Job 40. So it's right after Job 40, verse two, in verse four, Job says this. Behold, I am of small account. What shall I answer you? I will lay my hand on my mouth. I have spoken once and I will not answer twice. But I will proceed no further. What happens here? Job goes from a fault finder. God challenges him, and Job starts to remain silent. This is a lesson for all of us fault finders today. Even if you're in the worst of circumstances and situations, you might be able and Have a right to find fault in your spouse, in your children, in your job, in your single season, in your season of loss.
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People around you might agree with the faults. People around you might agree with the issues that you're having. Man, I read the book of Job and I'm like, I agree with him. But what does God challenge Job to do? He challenges him to remain silent. He challenges him to hold his tongue. Because ultimately, guys, we don't understand God's plans. We don't understand why God does things the way that he does. And we can't do the work that God can do. But what we can do is remain silent. And what we're gonna do today is we're gonna remain silent, but we're gonna bring it to the feet of Jesus and we're gonna pray over this. So if you're a fault finder like me, then today our mission and our goal is let's remain silent and let God do the work. Because guess what?
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In verse or chapter 41 and chapter 42, everything that was stolen from Job, everything that was taken from him was given to him and doubled. He earned back more than he lost. And so we're believing for that. Don't keep it in your hand. Don't think you're going to find the fault and fix it. We are not the fixers.
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We leave it to God. We stay silent, submissive, repentive, and we let God do the rest. Lord, we thank you, we thank you. We thank you for this lesson today, Lord. This is a lesson that not only can we receive it, but we can apply it.
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Even right now, some of us are on the way to our job that we are finding faults in the. We have been talking about all the problems at our job all week or the people in our spouse and our family. We have all of. We have a list of problems, Lord, that we're facing. But God, I pray that today we would be like Job and we would remain silent. We would submit to you and let you work it out, Lord, because you work better than we do. You know more. Your ways are higher, your ways are greater. And so we remain silent and we let you do the work, Lord. And we just believe that all things are going to work together.
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All things will work together for the good of those who love you, for all of us, you are working it out. In Jesus name, amen. So there you have it. Your 5 minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional. Share it with a friend. Friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow. We pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.