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Sept. 6, 2024

God Is Peace

God Is Peace

How has seeing God as a source of peace influenced your problem-solving approach?

Happy Friday! In today's devotional, we explore the profound and empowering nature of peace that only God can provide. Reflecting on the verse from 1 Corinthians 14:33, "For God is not a God of confusion, but of peace," we dive deep into how peace is more than just a calm feeling—it's a powerful force that can triumph over the hardest times in our lives.

Join us in this journey of faith and let God's peace empower your day!

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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You're listening to my morning devotional podcast, episode 1090. Today's Civo is called God is peace. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time.

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That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Good morning, everybody, and happy Friday. My name is Rochelle Alessi, and it was a pleasure to be with you this week. I hope that you have enjoyed our podcast this week. And listen, if you know of anybody that has ever struggled or has questions about any of the topics that we spoke about this past week, whether it was God being just or God being faithful, of God being my provider, if any of those topics kind of remind you of somebody that might need them, just go find that episode and share this specific episode with them.

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Because we want to make sure that if we're getting something great, we're sharing it with the world and we're sharing with the people that we love the most.

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So we just encourage you to just share an episode if you find anybody that you think will need it.

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But also just to let you know, Gabby Alessi will be sharing next week. And we know that Gabby is just amazing. And every single time she gets on this podcast, she just brings a great, great word. So I'm excited to hear Gabi next week. So for today's Sivo, I have the verse, one corinthians 1433, and it says, for God is not a God of confusion, but of peace. And I think we've all heard the verse of God gives you peace, a peace that passes all understanding.

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I used to think the peace was something that made me feel nothing or just free. You know, like, I remember one day saying, you know, guys, all I feel right now in this season of life is really just peace. And somebody looked at me and said, well, did you know that peace is probably one of the strongest emotions you could ever feel?

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And it made me realize that peace has to be so strong that overpowers the hardest and most confusing and hardest times of our life. Peace is not just something, because the word is so peaceful and graceful. We see peace as something light.

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And though it could be like a light word, I feel light. I feel free.

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Peace is very strong and powerful. When you feel peace, it means that the hardest thing of your life, the biggest confusion ever, is not as strong as peace is. And that is why we say God is peace. And the only one that could give you the peace that you want in your life right now is God. And so just think of the situations, of the things that have been the hardest for you and know that God is peace and he can give you that peace, that rest.

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I looked up actually what the word peace means on Google. I was just curious to hear what Google had to say about this. And it said that peace is described as the freedom from disturbance, tranquility. And it's also described as a state or period in which there is no war or war has ended. If you've ever feel like you've been disturbed at all, peace triumphs all of that.

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And sometimes when we're in the middle of that hard thing, we feel like there's nothing that could help us. Yet peace comes in and that is God. When God walks into your life, when God walks into that situation, what he brings to you is peace. And I also want to read this other verse that says peacemakers who sow in peace will reap a harvest of righteousness. And so if God is peace and he brings peace to us, that means that we have peace.

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Which now means wherever we go, we bring peace with us. And every situation we come in, we are peacemakers. We don't come in with harsh words, with anger. We come in with peace. You walking with peace is not you being weak. You walking with peace is you being strong, is you being confident, is you saying, I'm not letting confusion, I'm not letting anger, I'm not letting my situations rob me of my peace because I have God and God is peace and he's with me. So I'm going to walk into every room that I am and I am going to be a peacemaker. I'm going to sow peace in people's lives.

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I'm going to sow peace in that person that is not peaceful.

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I'm going to approach every conversation with, I'm going to be peaceful and I'm going to be gracious. And in that my harvest will be righteousness, my harvest will be me experiencing a new level of peace and of God. Because when we experience peace, we experience God. And so let's pray today. Father God, we just want to thank you because you're at peace. I want to thank you because you created peace. And because of that, Father, we don't have to live in disturbance, we don't have to live in confusion, we don't have to live in anger, we don't have to live in disappointment, father, we get to live in peace. So I pray right now that you, God, will walk in and bring peace into every single listener situation today, Father, I pray that if they're having a great day, they still get to experience your peace. If they're having a bad day, they get to experience your peace and they get to feel it and that they know that when they feel peaceful, Father, they have a strength to do whatever they need to do through Christ Jesus, who gives them the strength.

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In Jesus name we pray. Amen. So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong but your love for Jesus is stronger.