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July 17, 2024

Hustle Season

Hustle Season

What practices or habits help you manage stress during particularly busy times?

In today’s episode, We discuss the hectic pace of life and the value of hard work. Stephanie shares personal stories and wisdom from Proverbs, encouraging us to see busy seasons as opportunities for growth. Thanking God for the strength to manage our busy days and recognizing them as gifts rather than burdens. 

Join us for some heartfelt encouragement and prayer to help you navigate your day with faith and determination. 

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

Here’s how to join our community!


00:00:00.239 --> 00:00:32.393
You're listening to the my morning Devotional podcast, episode 1053. Today's episode is called Hustle Season. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days. Get busy and to do lists get. Longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Happy Wednesday, everybody.

00:00:32.521 --> 00:00:43.829
Stephanie, how are we doing this week? Girl, we hustlin we are hustling we. Are in the hustle season. I sang this earlier, but it's the. Cause hustle season's over.

00:00:44.450 --> 00:01:27.897
We should do it again and actually get on the same key this time and show them we're actual singers and not. Leave it. Leave it. Well, Stephanie, talk about this hustle season. Cause I have a feeling it's not overd. I have a feeling you're about to tell us that we're in a hustle season, and I wish that song were true. No. We're in the thick of it. We're in the thick of it. No. So, again, like I shared earlier on Monday, I am in a season where I'm busy and we are hustling and what do they call it? The thick of it. That's what I'm in. Into the thick of it. And I'm sure everybody else can relate. It's one of those seasons where my husband, he's working on this house. We have our two babies. One of.

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One of them's two years old. The other one is seven months old. And it's a lot that we're having to deal with. But thank God for God, and thank God for his word. I've been reading a lot of proverbs, and I would encourage you all that's listening read proverbs ten through twelve because, wow, all of proverbs is amazing. But ten through twelve has been really helping me, and I. I was reading proverbs ten today, and it said, four through five. Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth. Yeah. He who gathers crops in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son. So I know what happens in the middle of the summertime. This is when you go on Instagram or Facebook and you open it up and you see all of your friends traveling to Italy and to Barcelona and to Madrid, and it just looks gorgeous. Or Greece, whatever. And you're at work and you're working and you would so badly want to just quit your job and just move to Spain and move to Italy and start a new life. But all those feelings are not legitimate. It's just that it's the summertime and you're tired and it is completely normal what you're feeling. And let me just remind you, hustle seasons are normal. Busy seasons are normal. I said it in a podcast before, busyness isn't bad, it's stressing over the busyness that's bad.

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But I just want to remind you that diligent hands working hard brings wealth.

00:03:03.536 --> 00:03:07.256
Yeah, you either have to hustle now or later.

00:03:07.448 --> 00:03:11.264
You will either have to sacrifice now or you'll have to sacrifice later.

00:03:11.391 --> 00:03:25.454
And that's what I've just been having to tell me and my family. Because as much as I would like to just have a normal weekend or a normal afternoon with no events, there is. This is just the season where it's a little busy.

00:03:25.542 --> 00:04:12.403
And the truth is, even if we had nothing on the calendar, we would go home and the babies would be in a weird mood and we would be getting in bed at midnight because eleven to twelve was the only time that we had to ourselves and the babies would be crying and we'd have to get them ready for bed. This is just a season where it's busy and it's hard, but it's good for you. Because God makes a promise that diligent hands bring the wealth. And if you gather your crop now in the summer, no pun intended, that makes you a prudent person, and it teaches you how to be stronger. It teaches you how to be wiser with what you're doing. But you just have to trust God that this is going to benefit you in the long run. If you want more, then we have to work more.

00:04:12.572 --> 00:04:30.374
And if you're feeling like you're losing your motivation in work and you want to quit your job, you're not alone. This is just part of the season. We have to all go through a season of sacrifice. But God makes you stronger in this season. Yeah, God makes you wiser in this season. God makes you more authoritative in this season.

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And you just have to trust that God will grow your harvest as you focus on your work. So go into today knowing that hard work will not end in vain. It will add to your harvest that don't grow weary and doing good, but trust that God's going to fill you up as you continue to work. It's just a season and he's going to give you the energy that you need to get through it. So just know it's a season and we're going to miss these days.

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And so come up, soak them up as they just pass us by and work hard because the harvest will come. Amen. Let's pray. God, we just thank you so much for these busy days because we see them as busy now. But later on, we're going to see them as sewing days. Days where we sowed, days where we plowed. God, so we thank you for the resources to plow. We thank you for the job that we have that might be driving us crazy. We thank you for the boss that's driving us crazy. We thank you for the kids that are taking all of our energy. We thank you for the family that we have to balance with. God, we thank you for all of it. Because, honestly, these are gifts that have come straight from heaven above, and we thank you for it. Maybe it's just our time that we have to manage, but you give us the grace to manage it. You give us the strength to manage it. And with your spirit, God, if we just stay spirit led, you will give us everything we need to manage it. So, Father, fill us with your peace, fill us with your strength, fill us with your joy so that we can face every day. Spirit led, knowing you gave us these days as gifts, not as burdens, but as gifts.

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And that this is things that we just have to manage. And this is a season that you have blessed us, not burdened us, and that this is a season we will look back on wanting to live these days again. And these are gifts of days. In Jesus name, we all pray.

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Amen. Amen. So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today.

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We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend. Leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.