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Sept. 23, 2024

Light And Salvation

Light And Salvation

What are some practical ways to meditate on Scripture throughout the day?

In this week’s devotional journey, Richelle, our cherished guest, invites us into an immersive experience with Psalm 27. As we approach the vibrant season of fall, she helps us navigate through the profound and reassuring words of this scripture, ensuring that we meditate deeply and understand God's message for us each day.

Stay tuned to reflect on how the Lord is your light and salvation, and join us in a week-long exploration of this powerful chapter. 

Let's start our week with confidence and prayer, knowing that the Lord is with us!

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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00:00:00.400 --> 00:01:37.573
You're listening to my morning devotional podcast, episode 1101. Today's Devo is called Light and Salvation. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Good morning, everybody, and happy Monday. Thank you so much for tuning in today. My name is Rochelle Alessi, and I get the privilege of being with you today. And as falls approaching and we're getting into that season, I thought as seasons change that we would try something a little bit different for this week's podcast. My inspiration for this podcast was sometimes opening up our bible can be a little intimidating. You don't know where to start, how many verses you read, how many chapters you read, or you might feel like you're not doing enough. But if we put all those different thoughts aside and we realize that the important thing is that we are meditating in God's word all day long. If you read a full chapter today and you meditate on that chapter all day and you're in constant meditation with the Lord, that's really what matters. And as we do that every day, we build up to more and more. So I wanted for us to try this together. And you can let us know. You can be honest if after this week, you're like, you know, this was really not our favorite, we'll never do this again. But if you liked it, let us know. So here's what we're going to do.

00:01:37.662 --> 00:02:43.885
So what I'm this is going to be a lot of working together this week we're going to go over psalm 27 for the entire week. Each day we are going to be reading two to three verses, and I'm going to read the verse for you. I'm going to give you a little bit of what to do next, maybe some ideas on how to apply it for your life that day. But by the end of the week, we have read a full chapter. But before the next day's episode, I'm going to ask that you, by yourself, readdez the day before verses. I hope that made sense. So, for example, today we're going to read psalm 27, one, three. Tomorrow, before you listen to the next one, you're going to go on your own and read psalm 27, one, two, three, and then listen to the episode. So by then you read a little bit of your own, and then we're going into whatever is next. So, as we said today is psalm 27. So let's read one, three and it the Lord is my light and my salvation.

00:02:44.078 --> 00:03:05.741
Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid when evildoers assail me to eat up my flesh, my adversaries and foes, it is they who stumble and fall. Though an army encamped against me. My heart shall not fear the war arise against me.

00:03:05.885 --> 00:03:09.445
Yet I will be confident.

00:03:09.638 --> 00:03:57.858
And so I just encourage you today, read this verse. Maybe you have to just go back and hear me. Read it one more time. And I encourage you to just meditate in this verse. Share with somebody that is with you, maybe your friends, your leaders, somebody in your church. Or maybe you can even write back to us that when you sat down and you really meditated on this verse, what did you feel you got from this? How do you feel the Lord is speaking to you and you know, it's good to always do it with somebody because we are not alone in this journey. So I encourage you to do that. What are areas today that you can be confident on? Because you know the Lord is with you and that no matter what's happening around you, like this verse says in this psalm, David was confident that the Lord was with him.

00:03:58.014 --> 00:04:08.882
And so I just encourage you today, the Lord is with you. Let's meditate on this verse together, and let's share it with the people around you and write back to us what you're getting from this verse. Let's pray together.

00:04:09.066 --> 00:04:52.600
Dear Father God, we just want to thank you for your word. We want to thank you for every single verse, father, that you inspire to be written. Because of that, we have a clear guideline on how to read about you and get to know you more. So I pray today that as all our listeners, as we're doing this together, as we get serious about learning more about your word, we're not going to be intimidated about the how to's when not enough or enough, father, because the important thing is that we seek you and learn more about you and that we get confident on knowing how to open up your word and receive directly from you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

00:04:53.459 --> 00:04:56.923
So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven.

00:04:57.052 --> 00:05:14.259
Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.