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You're listening to the My morning Devotional podcast, episode 1203. Today's Devo is called make you feel my love. Hey there. We're the Alessies, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida.
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And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning devotional podcast.
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Good morning everybody and happy Wednesday. My name is Stephanie Muena. The topic of love can definitely be a stirring one. I hope that this has encouraged you this week. If you have anything that you would like to share in terms of love, maybe some struggles that you're having with your. With your love life. And I don't mean dating, I mean just the whole topic of love in your life.
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It could be a breakup, something going wrong with your parents, some struggle that you're having with your kids. Whatever it may be, let us know.
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We love to read your fan mail. We love to hear what it is that you're going through and to pray for you and just share it with us. Let's
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16 says in the NIV version, this is how we know what love is.
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Jesus Christ laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
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So, you know, right now, at work, at my workplace, I work at my church, we're getting trained on how to structure our day better. And they told us that the biggest challenge that we all have to accomplish this week is that when I go home after a long day of work, I have to turn off my phone. I have to put my phone away either in a drawer or leave it upstairs, whatever it is, put my phone away and engage with my family. And I don't know why, but when they challenged us with that, I almost started crying because not because I love my phone by any means, I would love to just throw my phone away. I get that. But it was a challenge to me because that's my only time to rest. And sometimes getting on my phone and flipping through Instagram, I see that as my time to unplug. Ironically, I'm married with two babies.
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And if you're a mom or you're a dad with kids at home, you know that it is nonstop. The lifestyle is constant. So to get on your phone is a relief. And especially after a long day of work, I can't imagine putting my phone away to keep working, I have to cook, I have to clean the kids, get them ready for bed, I have to tidy the house. Hopefully I can do some laundry. And all of that work is supposed to be my rest. Like no way. I want to be able to sit and watch some TV and just eat some taken or whatever it is. But you know, I have to make this change mentally because my kids need me. They need me more than my co workers need me. They need me more than my phone needs me, more than social media needs me. I am their only mom and I want them to see a happy mom. And this has been a challenge for me, and this has been a stretching point for me. But what keeps me going in this challenge is this love has to drive my sacrifices. When I walk through the door of my house and I have to put my phone away and I have to sacrifice my. My exhaustion for the sake of my family, what drives me to do that has to be my love for them. I love Gianna, I love Matthew, I love Chris. So I'm willing to go the extra mile when I go home after a long day of work, and I'm willing to keep the work going.
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I'm willing to cook them a meal, I'm willing to put my phone down, I'm willing to clean their laundry, I'm willing to tidy up the house.
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Thank God I have a spouse that helps me do this all. But I. I have to be their mom. I have to be their wife because I love them. You know, Jesus literally died for me. And he didn't just die, he was beaten and tortured for me, for you.
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And all that we're asked to do is make a meal every once in a while. So what keeps me going is that I do it all because I love my kids, I love my husband, I love my home, I love motherhood, I love being their mom. And because I love them, I will lay down my life for them. So I hope today you're reminded to be happy in the sacrifices you make as a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, a daughter, a son, a student, a worker. You do it because you love them. And you can love them because Christ loves you. And you can lay down your life for others because Christ laid down his life for you. Let's pray. God, I first want to pray that everyone listening to this podcast will have a fresh pouring of energy added to their plate.
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God, we are doing these things because we love you.
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We sacrifice for the people in our lives because you sacrificed your life for us out of love. So out of love. We model that same sacrifice to the people around us. So give us the energy to do so after a long day of work on the weekends, whatever it may be. Give us the joy, give us the energy, give us the drive to lay down our lives for others and God. This is a biblical principle. This is a spiritual principle. So that means there will be spiritual harvest. We will see a spiritual return. When we lay down our lives for our family, they will see our sacrifices and they will want to love us right back. They will want to give right back to us. We trust the commands of your words that say if we lay down our lives for others, we will see a blessing in that God. So today we will accept that challenge and lay down our lives for the people in our lives because we love them. And in Jesus name we all pray. Amen and Amen. So there you have it. Your 5 minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today we pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.