This is Episode 217 of the My Morning Devotional Podcast.
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Join me, Alison Elizabeth as we continue our 15 devotional series of prayers and read out of Matthew 28:8 which says “So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples”
"This verse really spoke to me personally, like I said yesterday, sometimes old dreams come back to life. Sometimes, new plans come to life. Sometimes, things happen that you had no intention would happen. And it’s all God. Sometimes you have a plan and it seems logical, but then the unexplainable happens.God opens a door that you never thought you’d walk through and yes its both terrifying and wonderful. You can be full of fear and full of joy.
But this verse should gives you direction on what to do next, run and tell his disciples. It doesn’t say run and tell the world. No run and tell his disciples. It’s important to have a group of people who love and believe in Jesus to run to, and go to so that you can share when God moves in your life.
If you don’t I encourage you to find an in-person community, this weekend is a great opportunity to meet some new faces. There is nothing in this world like sharing the love and works of Jesus with other believers. So this is me saying, the next time God opens a door in your life that you thought was unable to open, run, don’t walk."
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