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You're listening to the my morning Devotional podcast, episode 1084. Today's Devo is called saved through faith. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time.
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That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Good morning, everybody, and happy Thursday. I am your host for this week. My name is Lauren, and I'm really excited about this week because we have dedicated the whole week to just faith and putting your faith in God and his promises over you and his promises found in the word. And I know it's already been a blessing to me, and I just pray and hope that it is a blessing to you. So we're going to jump right into the word today. Today's verse is found in Ephesians, Ephesians two, eight, nine. And this is a great verse. If you're struggling with faith, I know I have been there before where you're just struggling with your faith journey, struggling with what you believe just in your faith at all. This is a great verse for you, and it says this, for by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing.
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It is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no.
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1 may boast. So I love this because of so many reasons. One, it's talking about we've been saved by God's grace, but we've been saved through faith. Without faith in God, we wouldn't have salvation. And without God's grace, we wouldn't have salvation. So it takes grace and faith to have salvation. And also this whole process of being saved by grace through faith, this is not our doing as humans. This is not our doing as christians.
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It's a gift from God. And the reason it's a gift from God is not so. It can be a result of works that us humans can take credit for. It's literally, it says, so that no. 1 may boast, so that no. 1 may take the credit except for God. It's such a beautiful process of grace and faith that God has gifted us, so that only God can take the glory, so that no man on earth can take the glory, but only God. And I pray that we use the same process to sort of reflect this in our own faith walk. Maybe you've really reflected on the past episode. Maybe you are looking for a house and there's no open homes near you. Like, just none. Maybe you are looking for a new job and it's been rough and you've been waiting for a long time and nothing, no opportunities.
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Maybe you are praying for a godly spouse and it's like you hear all the time, this is the worst season of dating ever. It's ever been and it's not getting better. Maybe you're hearing all these things and you just feel so discouraged. Just know this. This is not your own doing. It is the gift of God, not a result of works. So that no. 1 may boast and apply this to your situation.
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You're not doing this to yourself. This is not God forcing you to go through suffering. This is a gift from God. And it's so that no man on earth may boast. So that when you are blessed with your new home, with your new job, when you're blessed with whatever promise you've been waiting for, it's not so that man can take the glory, so that God can take the glory. And if these are a couple verses, if you're really struggling, you need to put on your mirror. You need to write on a post it board and put on your mirror. Go ahead. I know I've been there.
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I know I've done that. And it has been such an encouragement for me to wake up every morning and just read for by grace you have been saved through faith. Not so that anyone can take the glory, but so God can take the glory. If you want to write these verses on a post it note and hang them above where you get ready every morning, it is such an encouragement and I encourage you to do that just to elevate your spirit, to lift your faith. So I hope that this blesses you today. I hope that you consider doing that and incorporating it into your morning routine. But let's end today out in prayer. Dear God, we thank you so much for just wisdom that you're imparting into everybody listening. God and Lord, I do pray that someone who hears this episode decides to go home, write a few bible verses about faith or about whatever situation they're going through. God. And just decides to put some notes of encouragement up on their mirror. God. Or wherever they get ready, Lord, just so that the word of God can be an encouragement to them. Lord, we thank you, God, that you don't put us through suffering. God. But Lord, you're just a good God to us and you send us gifts from above. God.
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And you are a good God who is watching us over every season of our lives, Lord, and you know how much we can handle. God, we thank you for your faithfulness. God, we thank you that you are faithful, and we will see your promises in our lives come to pass. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
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So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven.
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Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend. Leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.