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You're listening to the My Morning Devotional podcast, episode 1175. Today's Devo is called the Blessing Behind Trust. Hey there. We're the Alessi's, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time.
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That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the My Morning Devotional Podcast. Good morning, everybody. Happy Friday.
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Welcome back to another episode of the My Morning Devotional Podcast.
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Happy New Year. If you're just tuning in today because I know that the last couple of days has been really holiday mindset or minded, I would encourage you guys to go back and listen to the last couple of episodes. We're really focusing this week on and next week on what's ahead on 2025, on what God has in our hearts, what God has for us, the dreams he's going to give us and the the goals that we're going to achieve, the harvest that we're going to walk in. My name is Allison. If you don't recognize my voice, I'm the founding host of the My Morning Devotional Podcast. I ran this show for the last three and a half years and then this past year I handed the show off to the Alessi sisters. And I am so thankful and grateful for all that's happened over the last year and I am honored to be here with you this week and next week as we kick off this new year. Today we are going to be In Jeremiah, chapter 17, verse 7 and 8, it says, but blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes, its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. So I labeled today's evil the blessing behind trust. And that's because I wanted us to focus on trusting God in 2025. Trust is the only thing that feeds hope because you can't have hope without trusting the Lord. And I know that personally. This last year was really hard for me. This the reason why I left the show, the reason why I gifted the show was because I was going through a very hard season. And it was a season of infertility. It was a season after a miscarriage. And it was a season in which I just had to go into my prayer room just Me and the Lord one on one. And a lot of the times my trust was fickle. I had a lot of low moments. And so it's okay. I'm telling you this because sometimes we go through seasons in life where we are unsure because we can't see see what God has planned for us. We can't see the other side of the mountain. We're in the valley, we're stuck on it and we can't see it. We can't see the mountaintop. We can't see the celebration. All we feel is our pain. And 2025 is going to be a great year. We're very excited when the new year comes, but the reality is that things are going to hit us that we're not prepared for because we don't know what's ahead of us. But we know that God is always good. He's always there, no matter how long the drought lasts. This, this says here that its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought. So maybe you just came out of a year of drought. We don't know if we're walking into a year of drought because God is the only one in control here. But what we do know is that our leaves are always green because we are planted. We have trust in Him. We have to have faith the size of a mustard seed. And God knows your heart. He knows where you're at. And so if we can continue to trust him, we'll with the little.
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If we can trust him with the much. We're going to continue to see him grow our lives. We're going to see blessings. We're going to see doors open, we're going to see dreams come true. We're going to look on the other side of the mountain one day and we're going to see where we were and we're going to celebrate where we are. And that comes through trust.
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So trust feeds your hope and hope feeds your faith and faith feeds your life. It really does. Because without it, I just. We don't. We. We can't really have life without it. We're all like minded. We all come on the show every single day to read scripture, to focus our thoughts on the Lord. So we know that these things are so necessary in our foundation of our lives. Our trust in the Lord, our hope in the Lord, our faith in the Lord. That's what's going to get us through this new year. So yesterday we talked about walking in a harvest, making sure that our habits are not just habits or goals that we're crossing off the list, but that they are going to produce a harvest of fruit in our lives. And I love that this verse says it again. It says its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought, and it never fails to bear fruit. So this is the year of fruitfulness. This is going to be a year of green leaves.
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This is a year that we trust the Lord to do a new thing in 2025. So the prayer for today, Father God, we thank you, Lord for this Friday. We thank you for this week, and we thank you for this new year. God, we thank you that together we get to come on this show. We get to listen to scripture, we get to focus ourselves on you for the first five minutes of the day. We thank you that you continue to deposit dreams in our lives. You continue to deposit fruit that we want to walk in so we know what we have to do to get there. Lord, no matter how long the valley is, no matter if it's a year of drought, God, we know our leaves will always be green. We know that we are going to bear fruit.
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And we trust you. So this year we focus on our trust, we focus on our hope, and we focus on our faith. Because with those three things, we have a foundation that will grant us a beautiful and blessed year. We thank you and we pray this in your son's mighty name. Amen. So there you have it.
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Your 5 minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend.
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Until tomorrow. We pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.