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July 23, 2024

The Net Of Protection

The Net Of Protection

What does it mean to be protected by God? 

In today's episode, titled "The Net of Protection," Gaby and Steph dive deep into Psalms 5:11, where we explore the beautiful imagery of God spreading His protection over us, just like a net over a pool. This inspired us to think about the ways God's love serves as our safeguard, even when life's waters get rough. 

As we near 3 million downloads, we invite you to share this episode with your friends and family. 

Let's start our day with a dose of inspiration and prayer. 

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

Here’s how to join our community!


00:00:00.200 --> 00:01:13.441
You're listening to the my Morning Devotional podcast, episode 1057. Today's Devo is called the Net of Protection. Hey, there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get. Longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Happy Tuesday, everyone. Stephanie here with my sister Gabby. Hello, everybody. Happy taco Tuesday. Ooh, you better get those tacos for lunch today. But, hey, let me share some good news. We are so close to 3 million downloads for the my morning Devotional podcast. So please share. Share with your coworkers, share with your friends, share with your family, share with everybody that you can this episode so that we can get up to 3 million and we could all celebrate together. We're right there, but let's continue with our episode today. Gabs, are you ready to share? I'm ready to go. Do it, girl. Psalms 511 says this, but let all who take refuge in you be glad.

00:01:13.585 --> 00:01:46.349
Let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. I love this psalm. I think this is such a beautiful picture. And when I was reading it, the part that stuck out to me was, spread your protection over me. And I don't know if you've ever seen this new thing that they've created where over pools now, in people's backyards, they'll actually put a net instead of a gate to protect people from the pool. You know, your kids are in the backyard, they don't know how to swim. All of that.

00:01:46.469 --> 00:01:53.486
They put a net over the pool. Wow. And if you're in Miami, you know, you have kids that don't know how to swim, you have babies.

00:01:53.518 --> 00:03:05.032
You gotta be very careful with these pools, because before you know it, something could happen. Yeah. Created this net where it. You have bolts all around your pool, and you put the net around the bolts, you tie it to the bowl, and it stretches over the pool. Wow. And it looks like a massive fisherman's net. Well, when I saw it the first time, my friends have it, and I was like, that. That doesn't make sense. That doesn't look like it would protect them because there's little holes all through the net. Well, what the. The house owner was telling me was, yes, they might get their foot stuck in the net or. Or they might fall and their hand would go into the water, but ultimately the, the net would fully protect them to where their head doesn't go underwater. Their body doesn't fully get emerged where they wouldn't drown. Yeah. And it was this picture of. Yeah. They might stumble and fall. Yeah. Their foot might get caught in one of the pieces of the net or, or their hand might get caught, but they're not gonna drown. Ultimately, they're gonna be protected. And this psalm just kind of summed up that picture of, as christians, as Christ followers, our foot might get caught in something, we might trip and fall over it. Our hand might fall into the pool or fall into the storm that we're in, and we feel like we lose our balance, but ultimately, we're not going to drown.

00:03:05.096 --> 00:03:37.250
We're not going to get lost. We're not going to get caught up and swept up by the storm. Why? Because God has spread out his protection over us. And for any person that's listening, I hope that you can just see that image right now, whether you're in your car, whether you're at work, that you can just see that the spirit of God has spread himself over you to protect you, and he is going to guard you from anything that the enemy tries to do against us. We truly believe. I believe. I pray this every morning over myself, that no weapon formed against me will prosper. Amen. Why?

00:03:37.330 --> 00:04:18.795
Because as a believer, God is protecting me. There is a hedge of protection over me at all times, and this is where it says it. Let all who take refuge in you be glad. Let them ever sing for joyous God. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Let's be glad because we are fully protected. Amen. Let's shout for joy and sing for joy and rejoice because God has us right where he needs us. And let's love the name of Christ. Let's celebrate the name of Christ. Let's bless his name day in and day out because we might stumble, but we're not going to fall, we're not going to drown. We won't get swept up. God is protecting us at all times.

00:04:18.867 --> 00:05:03.199
Amen. Amen. Let's pray. Let's pray. Lord, I thank you for every listener. I thank you for today. I thank you for anything that we're about to walk in. Whether it's a storm we're in the middle of, whether it's a good season, we're in the middle of God. Whatever we're about to face today, God we just pray a hedge of protection over every listener, over every believer God, that you would cover them with your spirit and remind them that you have so spread protection over them like a net God, over a pool God, you have provided protection for them. And although we might stumble, although we might get our foot caught in something we shouldn't get caught up in, ultimately your spirit is there to protect us and you will pick us up when we fall. We thank you for it. In Jesus name, amen.

00:05:03.279 --> 00:05:24.920
Amen. So there you have it, your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional. Share it with a friend. Leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte. Is strong but your love for Jesus is stronger.