Join me, Alison Elizabeth as we continue our Advent 2020 prayers. Today we are reading out of Mark 16:15 which says "He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."
"Meaning every person you come into contact today, tomorrow, and on Sunday, may you look at them, speak to them, help them, as if it was Jesus himself speaking. We are to preach the gospel and that means we are to live the gospel. Yesterday we talked about how good God is, and how his sacrifice is what frees us from our bondage. The world deserves to live in that same freedom.
So I hope you walk around like the light of the world. I hope you walk about with joy. I hope when people ask you, (people will ask you) why are you so happy? How can you have a smile on your face look around you? With everything going on in your life right now, how do you have the faith and the strength? I hope you say because I met a man, and his name is Jesus.
I don’t know if you know this, but He has given you the authority to declare the goodness of God. He has given you the authority to love on others. He has given you the authority to declare miracles, He has given you the authority to change the world. So walk in that authority.
Your attitude and actions, your words, and your demeanor can do so much more for the Gospel than calling people out for their shortcomings. I hope we are a generation of Christians known for loving the world not condemning it. Then we will truly do the work that Jesus called us to do."
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