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Wisdom In Counting
Wisdom In Counting
What does "wisdom in counting our days" mean to you? As we wrap up another inspiring week of the My Morning Devotional Podcast, we're excit…
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Jan. 10, 2025

Wisdom In Counting

What does "wisdom in counting our days" mean to you?

As we wrap up another inspiring week of the My Morning Devotional Podcast, we're excited to share insights from today's episode, "Wisdom in Counting." Hosted by the lovely Alison DelaMota, this episode dives deep into finding wisdom through reflection and projection, calling on the timeless wisdom from Psalm 90:12: "Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

Join us for this heartfelt reflection and prayer, as we embrace the next 355 days with gratitude and hope. Let's get started and make the most of today!

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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:21.448
You're listening to the My Morning Devotional podcast, episode 1180. Today's Devo is called Wisdom in Counting. Hey there. We're the Alessies, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time.

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That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the My Morning Devotional Podcast. Good morning, everybody. Happy Friday. Welcome back to another episode of the My Morning Devotional Podcast. I'm so. I'm kind of sad that this is, like, the last day I'm going to be with you guys. It was such an honor to be with you for the last two weeks. My name is Allison, if you're just tuning in, and I'm the original or the founding host of My Morning Devotional. And it has been such an honor to be here, and I hope that you've enjoyed the last two weeks of DeVos. And next week you're gonna have another of the four girls who have taken over the show. So it's just been an awesome year and an awesome two weeks to come back and celebrate this new year with you guys. Today we're going to be in Psalm chapter 90, verse 12. It says, teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. And I label today's Devo wisdom in counting because as I first read this verse, it kind of sounds a little bit morbid, right? Like, teach us to number our days. And you kind of think of like, how we're running out of days or we're getting older.

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So, like, the end is near. And it's not. It's not supposed to be like that. First of all, we know that as we continue to age, we're not just getting wiser, but we're also coming to a closer day in which we get to bask in the glory of heaven. So it's not something bad, but I know that sometimes it can be scary to look into the future. So I was talking to Alan, who is the producer now of the show, and he actually had a great tidbit of wisdom.

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He actually looks back and counts how many days the Lord has blessed him in a certain season and how he's so grateful for those days. And I thought it was so appropriate. As we're kicking off a new year and we're looking at the next 365, we're really. We're already at the 10th so 355 and what we can achieve in the next 355 days, counting those days will give us wisdom, because when we reflect back, there has been 1,684 days since June 1st of 2020, which was the launch of this show. And in 1684 days, a lot has happened to me personally, and I'm sure to you, if, especially if you've been with US since day one, you have been around for 1,684 days. First of all, we have produced an episode every day, Monday through Friday, except for that short month in which we were trading off, me ending and then the Alessia taking over. And that's. That's a huge win. Besides that, I was firstly just dating many. We got engaged, we bought a house, we got married, we bought a second house, sold my. My first house this past year, walked through two miscarriages and now a successful pregnancy at 24 weeks. And it has been a huge blessing. God can do so much in those 1684 days. So I would, if I were you, look at the next 355 days ahead of you and think, how much can God do in 355? And if you continue to look at your days like that, how much can God do not just in one year, but in two? And not in two, but in five. And if you have vision for your life for the next five years, just like you can look back at the five years that have just previously passed and just reflect on how much God can change your life in five years, how much you can grow, how much wisdom you can come across, how much you can continue to sharpen the people around you, loved ones that may have passed, loved ones that have been born into your family. So much can happen in five years. And God is so good through it all. So there is wisdom in counting, there is wisdom in reflecting, there is wisdom in looking forward. And we think of time as linear. And God is so much bigger than that. He is so outside of time. He is everywhere, all at once. He sees it all, he's omnipresent.

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And there is so much at work that we cannot even fathom. And it's just our job to every single day look at the day ahead of us, and like we said yesterday, commit our ways and take delight in the Lord. And if we do that for five years, we're going to see a huge blessing on the other side of it. So I just pray that these last two weeks have blessed you. I pray that the show continues to bless you, continue to Lock in, continue to tune in and then take it beyond the five minutes. Listen to great music. Get in your word. You and God alone continue to develop your prayer life and watch how he blesses the next 1684 days, days of your life. So the prayer for today, Father God, we thank you and we love you. We ask that you bless this Friday. We ask that you bless the next 355. We thank you for the last 1684. We thank you for the last 30 years of our lives. We thank you for the next 30 years of our lives. There is so much that goes on, so much that we cannot see, so much that we cannot fathom. People that come in, people that leave, seasons that come, seasons that go. But you are orchestrating it all. So give us wisdom in reflecting, give us wisdom in counting, give us wisdom in projecting and the vision for the future. But also give us wisdom from what we've learned from where we've come from, from what we've already experienced so that we can continue to commit our ways, to continue to grow deeper in our faith, to continue to establish that foundation, to continue to bear good fruit.

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And we just thank you for it all. We love you.

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We pray this in your son Jesus, mighty name. Amen.

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So there you have it, your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow. We pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.