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You're listening to my Morning Devotional podcast, episode 1193. Today's Devo is called Working Hard or Hardly Working. Hey there. We're the Alessies, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time.
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That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the My Morning Devotional Podcast. Good morning everybody and happy Wednesday. My name is Rachelle Alessi, and I hope that the last couple of days have really encouraged you and have helped you to see that this year could be a great year for you. Not just an okay year or hopefully a better year than last, but that God is on your side. You have a great community here that's praying for you, that's believing for you. And with these verses, if you wake up every day and you align yourself with the word of God, that you can go out there to the world and conquer whatever you put your mind to. And the verse that we're going to read today, I think aligns right with that. And it's First Corinthians
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58, and it says, therefore my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. And this verse is so good because it really speaks to everybody.
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We all have different professions, different walks of life, different family situations, but nonetheless we're all trying to do something hard. We are all trying to accomplish something. We are all wanting to be better. Some of you are getting through nursing school, some of you are doing a full time job and full time school. Some of you have a just a full time job that it's really hard and you're trying to do your best.
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And some of you are stay at home moms who are really raising your children and trying to make a great life for them and educate them and feed them well and make them happy and you're trying to be a great wife. Either way, we all have things that we're trying to do and like life. Sometimes it could be hard, but this verse encourages us that we always have to abound in the work of the Lord, knowing that our labor is not in vain. This year, the work of the Lord for you might be you finishing your school, whatever God has given you to steward. Maybe God is giving you the job, God is giving you the family, whatever it is that God is giving you, it's on you to steward. But we can be encouraged that all that hard work, if we're doing it for the Lord and in.
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The Lord will not be in vain. And we're all doing this together. Know that my morning devotional podcast, we are praying for you week in and week out. That in this podcast, when you wake up every day and you commit to say, I'm going to give the Lord some time and I'm going to read the Bible, that is work that you're putting in this year, that that will not go in vain. You will have a better relationship with the Lord.
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Maybe you're saying, I've been doing this, but I feel like I still don't understand it fully or I still don't understand what it is to hear God. Don't stop right now. Keep going. Because all the hard work, the time that you're putting in, the Lord sees and it will not be in vain.
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And so I just encourage you this year. Go the extra mile in your job, go the extra mile in your school, in your home, with the people that you love. Don't do just enough to say you did it. Do it the best that you can, because you know that if you're doing the best that you can, God is coming right beside you and he will make sure everything that you're doing has good fruit and he helps you get through it. And guys, just remember, we're doing this together this year. I said to myself, there's three things I want to do to make sure that I'm being the best that I can. And I actually talked about it a little bit in our bonus episode where we get to thank a lot of you for listening, for being a part of the community. And if you want to see it, there's going to be links showing you how you can obtain that. But I talked about it with the girls and I said there's three things I'm doing. The first one is I'm going to wake up an hour earlier because I want to make sure I gave my word in my prayer time in, and I'm going to do five chapters a day, no more, no less, because I know I can do that. And after that, I'm going to sit down and I'm going to plan out my day. I'm going to be intentional with my time because I know those are the things that I can do. And, guys, before I leave my house to get to work, that's been such a change. It's made a difference. But I did it because I want to be better this year. I want to make sure that I'm getting that time with God. So I'm a better mother, I'm a better coworker, I'm doing better at my job. I'm a better wife. I'm better in every area. And I do want to just do okay. I want to do the best that I can. And so I'm saying this out loud so you guys can hold me accountable. Now that I've put it out there, you guys know I'm trying to do this. So just share with us maybe some things that you're thinking that you can do this year to make you better because you know that your labor will not be in vain in the Lord. Let's pray. Dear Father God, thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for always coming alongside of us and making a way for us. Thank you for strengthening us inside, Father, when we feel weak, when we don't even see how this is going to work out, Lord, you are there. And so right now, Lord, we commit to 2025 being the year that we do the best for you. Because we know, Lord, that you are faithful. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
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So there you have it. Your 5 minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.